Paco Function decoder with servo v3

by lgrfbs.

2 layer board of 0.71x0.41 inches (18.11x10.31 mm).
Shared on September 3rd, 2015 06:52.

DCC Function decoder with servo, all info about this are here:

Name    Value           Manufacturer    Package         SMD package
Br1     BGX50A          -               SOT143          YES
C1      470pF           YAGEO           0603            YES
C2      100nF           -               0805            YES
J3      DCC in          -               Not populated   NO
J5      Servo1          -               Not populated   NO
J6      Servo2          -               Not populated   NO
J7      LED Out         -               Not populated   NO
R2      22K             Tyco Electronics0805            YES
R3      470             -               0805            YES
R4      470             -               0805            YES
U2      PIC12F675(SO8)  Microchip       SO8_SOT96-1     YES
U3      TA78L05F        -               SOT89           YES

U2 shall be PIC12F629 and not PIC12F675 but this MCU:s is in same data-sheet.

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