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SNES-LED logo base
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SNES-LED logo base
by borti4938.
layer board of
Shared on
August 26th, 2015 11:31.
Idea and ATTiny-Code by jensma @ circuit-board.de http://circuit-board.de/forum/index.php/Thread/7573-Super-Nintendo-Beleuchtetes-animiertes-Logo/
Last change: I moved resistors for the LEDs to the PCB of the LEDs.
Parts needed:
- 4x 1kOhm (0805 package)
- 4x 2N2222 (SOT23 package)
- 1x 100nF/50V (0805 package)
- 1x ATTiny45-20SU (SOIC-8 package)
Code for the ATTiny45: http://circuit-board.de/forum/index.php/Attachment/529-sneslogo-attiny45-zip/
- low: 0xe2
- high: 0xdf
PCB has to be soldered to the Expansion port.
/RST is to reinitiate the logo animation. Either close the jumper (animation on every system reset) or connect the pad with the CIC-lock pin10 (animation only on user reset). NEVER do both!!!
Looking for the counterpart? Here it is: https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/8jJG2ZIz