Pam8403 Audio amp

by Mooper.

2 layer board of 1.49x0.69 inches (37.77x17.48 mm).
Shared on February 27th, 2016 04:07.

with volume control and switching headphone jack.

Input voltage: 2.5 to 5.5

Jump R3 & R6 to use the full power of the amp, otherwise use the 2 voltage dividers R3-R4 & R5-R6 to lower the inputs. Useful for lower wattage speakers or to prevent distortion.

The 10k resistors under the volume wheel need to be 20% the resistance of the volume wheel. If you aren’t using a 50k pot, adjust accordingly. These serve to convert a linear taper pot to a logarithmic pot.

All components 0805

Volume wheel used is B503 16mm

Headphone jack: 35RASMT4BHNTRX

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