Dick Butt Mods Naos Raptor PCB Ver. 3.1

by Pooleo.

2 layer board of 3.63x1.68 inches (92.30x42.72 mm).
Shared on September 7th, 2015 19:18.

An open source PCB for GE’s NSR020A0X43Z NAOS Raptor 20 amp fitted for a Hammond 1590g enclosure. This PCB is based on earlier working versions, but has not been tested. Tweaks have been made to correct the fuse footprints and correct any arcing issues. A different zener diode has been added to ease installation and the voltmeter inputs have been removed. Use this link to get the parts list: (http://www.digikey.com/short/7wfhpw) Thank you Facebook modding community.

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