OSH Park
TDA2822 Pocket Amp (v1) | Share #5000 !?!
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TDA2822 Pocket Amp (v1) | Share #5000 !?!
by Heisenbug.
layer board of
Shared on
May 31st, 2015 18:37.
Odds are high that it won’t stay at the 5000th position for long due to churn, deleted boards, etc. But it’s nice while it lasts. Will add screenshots [later] to prove if it indeed got the #5000th position (at the time). #ToEdit
What a neat milestone for OSH Park!
$10.60 / set of 3. Untested, but fully expected to work, and I decided to go ahead and release the next (smaller & simpler) version first, as it’s probably more versatile. I just sat on this design til now.
Works for either SMD or thru-hole DIP packages of amplifier IC.
(note SMD=0.4W & DIP=1.4W Pd-max)
Uses 3x2 header for volume pot,
5 large electrolytics=470uF 10+v,
2 small input ‘lytics = 4u7 25+v,
input load R6 & neighbor= 10k (x2),
input bias R4 & R5= 3k3 (x2),
all 4 ceramic/film caps =0u1 25+v,
output snubber R (next to C10, C11)= 4R7 x2,
power led & R (between snubber-R’s)= 4k7 [both optional, if you want to save power.]