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Arduino Due CAN Test
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Arduino Due CAN Test
by PaulStoffregen.
layer board of
Shared on
November 20th, 2013 13:14.
This circuit board attempts to implement this schematic: (by Palliser, not me… see the Arduino Forum link below for details)
The DB9M connectors are designed for this cable.
Another pinout for CAN with DB9 is sometimes used (CANH & CANL on pins 7 & 2). Solder pads on the button side allow reconfiguring for the other pinout.
Recommended Components:
Qty Digikey P/N Description
--- ----------- -----------
2 296-27991-1-ND CAN transceiver
2 445-7660-1-ND Capacitor, 10uF, 805
2 399-1170-1-ND Capacitor, 0.1uF, 805
2 609-4003-ND DB9M connector
2 CF14JT120RCT-ND Resistor, 120 ohm
2 3M9447-ND Header, 2 pin
2 3M9580-ND Jumper