Attiny85 Thing

by awesomeSauce.

2 layer board of 0.56x1.53 inches (14.20x38.96 mm).
Shared on January 9th, 2016 17:11.

Attiny85 break out board with USB for power only, and a JST connector for a lipo battery. This board is designed to be programmed via the ICSP header only! The USB connector only provides power. Part - Manufacturer part number USB connector - 1981568-1 Voltage regulator in a sot23 - mcp1702T-3302E/CB 2 10uF 0603 capacitors for the volatage reg. and 1 0.1uF for decoupling (on the bottom of board) JST connector - S2B-PH-SM4-TB(LF)(SN) Attiny 85 in qa SOIC package and some 0.1 inch pin headers.

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