LoRa Sensor

by gordon.

2 layer board of 1.19x1.07 inches (30.18x27.15 mm).
Shared on January 10th, 2016 18:20.

Small battery-powered LoRa sensor module with I2C and ADC on header

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CN101L True PEP mod

by OH8KVA.

2 layer board of 1.22x1.24 inches (31.09x31.60 mm).
Shared on January 10th, 2016 17:21.

Modification to CN101L SWR/Power meter to display true peak power

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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K3 IF buffer

by OH8KVA.

2 layer board of 2.45x0.97 inches (62.13x24.54 mm).
Shared on January 10th, 2016 17:07.

Buffer for Elecraft K3 IF output

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Ti-99/4A 32K Ram rev 2

by Towmater.

2 layer board of 1.36x2.71 inches (34.59x68.88 mm).
Shared on January 10th, 2016 16:51.

AtariAge Quarter Project 12_28

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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Tinusaur Board v0.3 RC5

by boyanov.

2 layer board of 0.80x1.37 inches (20.42x34.90 mm).
Shared on January 10th, 2016 16:34.

Briefly, the Tinusaur is a minimal micro-controller hardware configuration based on Atmel AVR ATtiny family of products and more specifically those with DIP-8 case such as ATtiny25/ATtiny45/ATtiny85, ATtiny13 as well as their variations.

The home of the Tinusaur is at this address: http://tinusaur.org

The goal of the Tinusaur project is to have a simple, cheap and accessible quick-start platform for everyone interested in learning and creating things.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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