
by jaw.

4 layer board of 1.79x0.59 inches (45.52x15.01 mm).
Shared on January 9th, 2016 16:19.

usb, micro-sd, crypto jawn

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Smartcar shield rev. 1

by platisd.

2 layer board of 1.97x2.11 inches (50.11x53.62 mm).
Shared on January 9th, 2016 13:52.

The Smartcar shield is an Arduino shield that allows the user to control a small robotic vehicular platform, the Smartcar, in an easy and cost effective way.

It includes an L293D h-bridge for controlling two DC motors, a GY-50 gyroscope module (based on the L3G4200D sensor) as well as terminals to connected the motors and the power supply.

You can find more information about the shield and the software that accompanies it at

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LM2575-XX Buck Regulator

by WarHawk-AVG.

2 layer board of 0.63x1.32 inches (16.00x33.50 mm).
Shared on January 9th, 2016 05:32.

LM2575-XX Buck Regulator

2 layer board of 0.63x1.32 inches (16x34mm). $4.15 for three.

Got the idea from here

More or less a LM7805 dropin replacement (maybe 40% larger) I designed it for maximum copper pour under the IC for heatsinking, got the initial design from here and just tweaked it out…there are commercial products that do the same thing, are smaller and more than likely much cheaper here and here and here My design is more or less for the DIY crowd…

By getting the 3.3v, 5v, or 12v LM2575 you can have different output voltage

LM2575 3.3v IC here , 5v IC here and 12v chips

C1 and C2 are 100 uF 153 CLV 0605 series metal SMD capacitors here

Inductor L1 is 330 uH DR127 here

Diode D1 is SOD123 here

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USB power tap

by HighInBC.

2 layer board of 0.41x0.63 inches (10.31x15.88 mm).
Shared on January 9th, 2016 01:49.

For grabbing 5V from a usb port

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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Quadcopter LED Leg

by jrowe88.

2 layer board of 3.99x0.53 inches (101.24x13.36 mm).
Shared on January 8th, 2016 21:09.

WS2812B led board

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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