
by tomcastner.

2 layer board of 0.99x0.90 inches (25.07x22.86 mm).
Shared on December 3rd, 2015 18:21.

S0316 Breakout

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EFM32G210F128 MCU Module, DIP24-Sized, Rev. A

by pugbutt.

2 layer board of 1.20x0.70 inches (30.48x17.78 mm).
Shared on December 3rd, 2015 17:29.

Silabs' Gecko EFM32G210F128 with 32MHz and 32.768kHz Crystals and proper power supply filtering.

All discrete components are 0603. The 32kHz crystal is Abracon
ABS05-32.768KHZ-9-T, and the 32M crystal is Murata XRCGB32M000F2P00R0.



Site: pugbutt.com

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4 x 7 LED Display V1

by Kshatrya.

2 layer board of 2.75x2.75 inches (69.95x69.95 mm).
Shared on December 3rd, 2015 16:32.

Work in progress.

A 4x7 LED panel controlled by Atmel ATtiny 3213. Designed to use a surplus stock of LED modules received at the Victoria Makerspace.

V1 - Proves display strobe function and segment output. Requires ISCP connection.

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IVL2-7/5 VFD Wristwatch (Prototype)

by Callum.

2 layer board of 2.59x1.53 inches (65.66x38.89 mm).
Shared on December 3rd, 2015 16:08.

Wristwatch based on the IVL2-7/5 VFD display. If you like 40yo russian display tech and having and actual watch to wear, then this may be of interest to you.

Currently in prototype stage, this design has some tiny mistakes but is expected to be fully functional.

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Proto9 Main 151025

by hasebems.

2 layer board of 5.91x0.87 inches (150.04x22.00 mm).
Shared on December 3rd, 2015 15:40.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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