Tiny WS2812B Delay Splitter

by petiepooo.

2 layer board of 0.40x0.50 inches (10.26x12.80 mm).
Shared on November 3rd, 2015 18:41.

This is the smallest board I can cram all the splitter parts and traces into..

This is a splitter for a WS2812B bitstream where one leg of the stream is delayed by a user-selectable number of LEDs. The delay is determined by closing solder jumpers such that the sum of closed jumpers equals the delay. Each unit of delay selected on the jumpers skips that number of input pulses times 24 before enabling the Dd pin output to copy the Di pin. The Do pin always outputs whatever is received on the Di pin.

This requires a Silego SLG46120V CMIC (like a mini FPGA) programmed as described in Application Note #(TBD). The GreenPAK designer project is also available on github at (TBD).

NOTE: The input pins are rearranged some compared to previous boards. This necessitates a different programming jig and modifications to the pin assignments in the GreenPAK Designer project.

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MKL05Z32VFM4 breakout

by insanity_wolf.

2 layer board of 1.54x0.85 inches (39.04x21.59 mm).
Shared on November 3rd, 2015 10:38.

breakout board for the KL05Z microcontroller by freescale. MBED-compatible!

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RFduino breakout

by insanity_wolf.

2 layer board of 1.21x1.10 inches (30.78x27.94 mm).
Shared on November 3rd, 2015 10:38.

can act as an OpenBCI dongle together with a CP2102 USB adapter (fits directly on top)

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by t.c.d..

2 layer board of 4.00x0.75 inches (101.63x19.08 mm).
Shared on November 3rd, 2015 01:51.

(THT) opto-isolator x4 and transistor output board

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Atmega*8 Backpack rev 1.2

by Jeremy.

2 layer board of 1.42x0.69 inches (35.97x17.40 mm).
Shared on November 3rd, 2015 00:20.

Instant ICSP/FTDI headers that fit over your Atmega*8 on the breadboard.

More info: https://hackaday.io/project/8093-atmega8-breadboard-backpack

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