Segment-Switcher 2 - v1.1

by BrentBlueAllen.

2 layer board of 1.35x0.90 inches (34.29x22.89 mm).
Shared on June 9th, 2015 18:09.

2-digit seven-segment display and button controller breakout using AMS AS1115

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by Dumle29.

2 layer board of 0.71x0.93 inches (17.96x23.67 mm).
Shared on June 9th, 2015 17:24.

Just a little board with an RGB LED, intended for use with the micronucleus bootloader for the ATTiny85, which is based on V-USB

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0.96% Keyboard rev 4

by Dumle29.

2 layer board of 1.07x0.53 inches (27.20x13.44 mm).
Shared on June 9th, 2015 14:20.

This is the smallest board so far, in hopes of fitting this in very small cases, and now fits entirely under the switch. The trade-off is that it uses double sided load, and a two board solution.

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BoxMod µC

by zeroflow.

2 layer board of 0.72x1.53 inches (18.19x38.89 mm).
Shared on June 9th, 2015 09:05.


All SMD Parts in 0805

  • U1: Atmel ATTINY84-20SSU
  • U2: STm KF50BDT-TR (5V LDO, DPAK)
  • Q1: SOT-23 NPN Transistor (BCX70G)
  • Q2: SOT-23 P-Channel MOSFET (NTR4171PT1G)
  • R1 & R2: Battery voltage divider (100k & 68k for 12V)
  • R3: 10k Reset Pull-Up
  • R4 & R7: 10k Pulldowns for output Stage
  • R5: 100Ω current limiting
  • R6: 10k PullUp for Mosfet
  • C*: Ceramic Cap 0.1µF

Feel free to replace the LDO or output stage with parts you have in spare.

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by attle.

2 layer board of 2.16x1.55 inches (54.94x39.37 mm).
Shared on June 9th, 2015 08:44.

Amiga Plipbox Ethernet adapter board

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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