ESP8266 ESP-12 Breakout

by nochkin.

2 layer board of 2.09x0.80 inches (53.04x20.32 mm).
Shared on June 11th, 2015 03:31.

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Raspberry Pi AVR ISP Cap v0.2.1

by nsayer.

2 layer board of 1.35x0.83 inches (34.29x20.96 mm).
Shared on June 11th, 2015 03:00.

AVR programming adapter for Raspberry Pi. Use “linuxgpio” driver in avrdude v6.1 or newer. Pin assignments:

  • RESET - GPIO 25
  • MISO - GPIO 9
  • MOSI - GPIO 10
  • SCK - GPIO 11

This includes switchable target power (3.3v/5v/off) protected by an AP2331 current limiter as well as a bus buffer / level shifter IC. There’s also an LED to indicate when programming is in progress.

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LM2596 Based VAWT Controller

by Blueberry.

2 layer board of 3.24x2.00 inches (82.22x50.80 mm).
Shared on June 11th, 2015 00:51.

A control board for a small wind turbine based on the LM2596.
Part List:
C1, 2 - 220uF, 50V Cap - Digikey p/n - 565-4067-ND
C3, 4 - 4.7uF, 50V Cap - Digikey p/n - 587-2994-1-ND
C5 - 560uF, 35V Cap - Digikey p/n - UPJ1V561MHD-ND
C6, 16 - 220 pF, 50V Cap - Digikey p/n - 311-1129-1-ND
C7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 - 1uF, 50V Cap - Digikey p/n - 1276-1029-1-ND
C13 - 10uF, 16V Cap - Digikey p/n - 1276-1096-1-ND
C18 - 1200pF, 50V Cap - Digikey p/n - 399-8018-1-ND
D1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - 2A Schottky - Digikey p/n - 497-8032-1
D10 - 10V Zener - Digikey p/n - BZX79C10-ND
D11 - 36V Zener - Digikey p/n - 1N5258B-TPCT-ND
D12 - 60V 5A Schottky - Digikey p/n - 497-8487-1-ND
F1 - 7A Fuse - Digikey p/n - 507-1566-1-ND
J1 - 3 Pos. Term Blk - Digikey p/n - 277-1248-ND
J2 - 2 Pos. Term Blk - Digikey p/n - ED1643-ND
L1 - 68uH, 3.2A Inductor - Digikey p/n - 732-1247-1-ND
Q1 - 12A Thyristor - Digikey p/n - 568-3674-5-ND
Q2 - NPN Transistor - Digikey p/n - 2N3904FS-ND
Q3 - N-CH MOSFET - Digikey p/n - 568-10997-1-ND
R1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 - 33.2K Ohm resistor - Digikey p/n RNCP0805FTD33K2CT-ND
R10 - 0.01 Ohm resistor - Digikey p/n - 989-1021-1-ND
R13 - 100 Ohm resistor - Digikey p/n - P100CCT-ND
R14 - 3.32K Ohm resistor - Digikey p/n RMCF0805FT3K32CT-ND
R15 - 1.74K Ohm resistor - Digikey p/n - 311-1.74KCRCT-ND
S1 - 8 Pos. DIP Socket - Digikey p/n - AE9988-ND
U1 - 5V LDO Regulator - Digikey p/n - 497-2952-ND
U2 - 3A Buck Reg. Adj. - Digikey p/n - LM2596DSADJGOS-ND
U3 - Current Monitor - Digikey p/n - ZXCT1084E5TACT-ND
U4 - 4.00V MPU Reset - Digikey p/n - APX809-40SAGDICT-ND
U5 - 8bit MCU - Digikey p/n - ATTINY85-20PU-ND
U6 - OpAmp - Digikey p/n - LM358AMX/NOPBCT-ND

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by matthewkennedy.

4 layer board of 2.14x1.35 inches (54.31x34.19 mm).
Shared on June 11th, 2015 00:10.


Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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by andrea.

2 layer board of 1.55x1.20 inches (39.37x30.48 mm).
Shared on June 10th, 2015 18:43.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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