
by gordon.

2 layer board of 2.20x1.30 inches (55.98x33.12 mm).
Shared on May 23rd, 2015 17:36.

Breakout board for RFM23BP ISM band radio transceiver

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by PeskyProducts.

2 layer board of 0.87x0.82 inches (21.97x20.83 mm).
Shared on May 23rd, 2015 08:30.

D203S PIR signal processed by BISS0001 active only when photoresistor detects dark ambient conditions. PIR detection triggers 2600 mcd white led with 160 degree illumination for a time settable by a Murata potentiometer. Slide switch chooses between retrigger modes. In addition to the usual motion-activated illumination, the trigger signal from the BISS0001 is pinned out to the side of the board so other actions can be triggered such as camera control, relays, etc. Intended to be attached to a 9V battery for a compact motion controlled solution with the TI TPS714XX voltage regulator providing either 3V3 (here) or 5 V depending on the application.

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TSSOP16 Breakout

by jacob.

2 layer board of 0.82x0.62 inches (20.70x15.62 mm).
Shared on May 23rd, 2015 05:27.

TSSOP16 with triangle pattern back silkscreen

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QLFO (Single LFO)

by jacob.

2 layer board of 2.38x1.05 inches (60.48x26.67 mm).
Shared on May 23rd, 2015 05:27.

Tri / Sqr / Saw Eurorack LFO. Reverse engineered from a photo of a Doepfer A-143-3, with the addition of a bipolar LED indicator.

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ESP8266 ESP-01 & ESP-03 Programmer v1.0

by DaedalusRising.

2 layer board of 1.02x1.36 inches (25.93x34.57 mm).
Shared on May 23rd, 2015 02:14.


ESP-01 & ESP-03 Breadboard Breakout

Provides voltage regulation and switches to enter programming mode (over FTDI or serial UART).


Provide a simple-to-use programmer for ESP8266 modules similar to Adafruit Huzzah ESP8266 module.


Solder all components on, including your choice of ESP-01 or ESP-03. Insert UART connection into header at end of board. S1 will reset the board. To program board, hold S2 while hitting S1. S3 will select between 3.3V and 5V input on Vin (towards the ESP module is 5V).


Schematic, BOM, and Ultiboard layout files can be found at the github repo.


U1 can take either castellated SMD pads (ESP-03) or a 2x4 .1" pitch female header (ESP-01).

R1-R4 = 10k 0603, R5 = 1k 0603.

C1&C3 = 10uF 0805, C2 = 0.1uF 0603.

LED1 = LTST-C190KFKT Orange 0603 LED.

U2 = LD1117AS33 3.3V 1A Voltage Regulator.

S1-S2 = KMR221NG LFS pushbutton momentary SPST switch. S3 = PCM12SM SPDT slide switch.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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