
by quixotic120.

2 layer board of 6.32x5.22 inches (160.40x132.49 mm).
Shared on March 30th, 2016 17:12.

ramps-fd variant; untested


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ATtiny45/85 Programmer 3mm LEDs V2

by DanR.

2 layer board of 2.70x2.10 inches (68.58x53.31 mm).
Shared on March 30th, 2016 05:58.

For those who prefer 3mm LED’s instead of 5mm.

The recommended capacitor is a 10µF polarized capacitor.

Arduino Uno shield for programming the ATtiny45 and ATtiny85 through hole ICs, with breakout headers and a test LED to use with the blink arduino example, though you must set the LED pin to pin 0.

VERIFIED WORKING - The reset jumper is fixed in this version

Designed using Fritzing

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by MTN.

2 layer board of 0.44x0.44 inches (11.20x11.20 mm).
Shared on March 30th, 2016 03:59.

11mm Version that I forgot to share a LONG time ago with the 10/12mm versions.

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MTN-SLdd v1.2

by MTN.

2 layer board of 0.48x0.45 inches (12.12x11.33 mm).
Shared on March 30th, 2016 03:53.

A small FET driver intended for a lot of the small twisty lights out there. Here are the differences from the other MTN-10/11/12DD drivers:

  • No copper around ground ring on component side. This makes isolating a twisty light much easier.
  • Different milled shape makes installation in a lot of the tiny twisty / clicky lights easier with less filing.

For a clicky light, if the battery tube does not touch the driver or you can’t solder to the pill, then this is not a good choice because you will have a difficult time getting a good ground.

The regular MTN-11/12DD is much better in these scenarios due to the exposed copper on the component side of the driver.

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RGB LED Strip Controller

by FearedSpark.

2 layer board of 2.78x1.31 inches (70.61x33.15 mm).
Shared on March 30th, 2016 03:45.

A small board to control intensity and color of RGB LED strips, supporting either DotStar or NeoPixel with a selection switch

Circuit Maker project: http://workspace.circuitmaker.com/Projects/E018036A-EE0F-4A8F-B97C-0EB9E18DF42C Github: https://github.com/fearedspark/RGB_LED_Strip_Controller

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