Speeduino front panel Rev1

by FilipW.

2 layer board of 4.06x2.09 inches (103.02x53.01 mm).
Shared on March 8th, 2016 18:07.

Generic breakout panel for Speeduino V0.4 EMS. Mounted in a Hammond 1455 enclosure. Revision 1.

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Live Ornament Rev C

by nmiller014.

2 layer board of 1.16x1.16 inches (29.49x29.49 mm).
Shared on March 8th, 2016 16:57.

A simple christmas ornament with an attiny85 and an RGB LED.

This PCB will live inside of a simple christmas ornament and play fun light patterns on the RGB LED.

For schematics and firmware, see The Gitlab repo

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by dunk8888.

2 layer board of 3.94x3.15 inches (100.00x80.01 mm).
Shared on March 8th, 2016 16:41.

GAME CONSOLE ARDUINO Avr Arduino Game Console,if you want the schematic to look over just ask at dunkyoung10@gmail.com ,a 3.2v battery will be soldered to the pads in the middle where the circle is negative left and positive on the right pad. So solder the battery there,and the pinouts on the left are for the sd card breakout board,they are the ones off ebay called catalex,they are blue,left to right is gnd vcc miso mosi sck cs.download all firmware at gamebuino.com. Use a 2 gig and under sd card only ,there are loads of games on the site too,you need the bootloader burned to the 328p, and also the loader file and settings file need to be downloader and copyed to the sd card with the games hex files all the instructions are on site.thanks

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by Tantalum7.

2 layer board of 1.28x1.45 inches (32.51x36.70 mm).
Shared on March 8th, 2016 12:07.

BLDC Controller Board V1-0

This is a open source Brushless DC Motor Controller board, first prototype.

Max: 20V (4 Lipoly in Series), 25A (speculative, depending on heat dissipation).

Controlled by PIC32 MCU, commutation running in sensorless mode. Controlled remotely via SPI or UART interface.

Board Details here

Licensed under licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, by the Tantalum7 working group.

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Wii With Drills and Gnds

by PeteJM.

2 layer board of 2.01x1.01 inches (51.05x25.68 mm).
Shared on March 8th, 2016 04:01.


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