[untested] 15mm PAM2803 boost driver v020

by Red.

2 layer board of 0.61x0.61 inches (15.42x15.42 mm).
Shared on February 22nd, 2016 03:28.

fixed PWM pin + fixed version number on PCB

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EasyRaceLapTimer Base Station Raspberry Pi Hat R1.0

by TimJC.

2 layer board of 2.39x1.01 inches (60.76x25.76 mm).
Shared on February 21st, 2016 23:13.

Please check out R1.1

This is hat-like board for the EasyRaceLapTimer system’s Raspberry Pi powered base station. This was designed to make cable setup easier, as well as provide an alternate means of powering the system, using a cheap regulator and hobby grade lipo/li-ion/SLA (2-3S) batteries. The board is sized for both the Raspberry Pi Model 2/3, for base station use, and Raspberry Pi Zero/A+/B+, for satellite station use (gate penalty enforcement - not tested).

Parts to complete base station:


Parts to create a bad ass sound system for playing the sound effects:

For more informaiton visit:

ERLT IR transponders for aircraft

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EasyRaceLapTimer Configurable Transponder SMD R1.3

by TimJC.

2 layer board of 0.45x0.72 inches (11.38x18.29 mm).
Shared on February 21st, 2016 22:58.

Please check out R1.4fixes some difficult soldering issues - fixes some soldering issues with R1.3

This is a new updated version of the Alexander Bierbrauer’s IR transponder for multirotor (drone) racing with EasyRaceLapTimer system. This model has a button to allow changing the transponder code at the field. This minimizes transponder conflicts, especially when racing with other groups using the same ERLT system.

This board is intended to be powered by 5V from a spare servo connector on your receiver or flight controller. The hole in the board is for cable strain relief.

Note: ATTiny85 needs to be programmed with applicable code from EasyRaceLapTimer project. This board has not been tested.

Parts to populate each board:

Optional (but recommended):


For more informaiton visit:

EasyRaceLapTimer Base Station Raspberry Pi Hat

Old static transponders (must be reprogrammed to change transponder ID): 5V SMD R1.2 version 5V Through hole R1.1 version Battery balance port (7-8.4V) R1.2 version

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by cxrodgers.

2 layer board of 2.73x2.45 inches (69.34x62.13 mm).
Shared on February 21st, 2016 20:27.

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SNES RGB Bypass for PAL-3Chip models

by borti4938.

2 layer board of 1.12x0.73 inches (28.42x18.59 mm).
Shared on February 21st, 2016 18:54.

RGB-Bypass for the SNES (PAL 3Chip-SNES, i.e. SNSP-CPU-01/02) using with a THS7314. See GitHub for details.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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