Quantum Effects Strontium Screamer v1.1

by m-Kresol.

2 layer board of 1.12x1.46 inches (28.52x37.01 mm).
Shared on February 21st, 2016 18:32.

Modded SMD Tube Screamer

build doc:


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Cyclops Rev. 3.5D

by jonnew.

4 layer board of 4.90x3.15 inches (124.49x79.88 mm).
Shared on February 21st, 2016 18:25.

Wide Bandwidth LED Driver

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by tijuca.

2 layer board of 2.33x1.38 inches (59.16x35.03 mm).
Shared on February 21st, 2016 12:05.

Adapter PCB to use AT86RF233 and TI CC2520 on the RPi (v1 and v2) at the same time.

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by Shaos.

2 layer board of 3.39x2.20 inches (86.06x55.88 mm).
Shared on February 21st, 2016 04:25.

2nd board for NEDONAND project

It’s dual edge triggered D-flipflop with separate reset inputs. Pins description (from right to left):

1) GND - ground;
2) D1 - first data input;
3) ^C1 - first clock input (front active);
4) /R1 - first reset input;
5) Q1 - first straight output;
6) /Q1 - first inverted output;
7) D2 - second data input;
8) ^C2 - second clock input (front active);
9) /R2 - second reset input;
10) Q2 - second straight output;
11) /Q2 - second inverted output;
12) VCC - power +5V.

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by Shaos.

2 layer board of 3.39x1.40 inches (86.06x35.56 mm).
Shared on February 21st, 2016 04:25.

1st board for NEDONAND project

This is a 1-bit slice of NEDONAND ALU supporting shift right RRC (000), shift left RLC (001), NAND (010), XOR (011) and ADD (1xx) operations. Pins description:

1) GND - ground;
2) O0 - bit 0 of ALU operation;
3) O1 - bit 1 of ALU operation;
4) O2 - bit 2 of ALU operation (if it's "1" then O0 and O1 are ignored);
5) A - input bit A (always from accumulator);
6) B - input bit B (might be from register or number);
7) C - input bit C (carry);
8) H - higher bit for rotation right;
9) L - lower bit for rotation left;
10) COUT - carry out;
11) DOUT - data out;
12) VCC - power +5V.

Order board. Download. Permalink. Embed order link.

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