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Hi Guvalif,
Thank you for your comment. I'm so glad to hear that your git repository is back.
I know any trouble within the team is sad and exhausting, but it's sometimes NOT avoidable...
Cheer up!
Hi Lee,
In my understanding, you can initialize plendev nodes step-by-step as follows:
rfkill unblock bluetooth // enable bluetooth
roscore& // launch roscore/rosmaster
python /opt/ros/indigo/lib/plen/ // initialize each node (in no particular order)
python /opt/ros/indigo/lib/plen/
python /opt/ros/indigo/lib/plen/
python /opt/ros/indigo/lib/plen/
python /opt/ros/indigo/lib/plen/
Hi Lee,
Our plendev uses systemd to run /home/root/
To confirm it, run
systemctl list-unit-files --type=service | grep plen
cat /etc/systemd/system/plen-dev.service
on your plendev.
You can start or stop plen-dev.service by yourself:
systemctl [start/stop] plen-dev
and check the status:
systemctl status plen-dev
I hope it would help you.
Plz send to:
Hi Lee,
I see. You can control your plendev's motion through USB connection,
but you cannot do through BLE/Wifi connection.
Because the control board has the USB connector and the Edison has BLE/Wifi chip,
the connection between the control board and the Edison is most suspicious.
Is it from the beginning? It is likely hardware trouble, I suppose.
You can check the cable by your multimeter of course,
but how about consulting the official support team first?
Hi Lee,
Can you get your plendev to move by the PLENconnect?
Hi Lee,
>in fact i run the rostopic pub command from the putty connection in the plen2Dev. is this matter ? do i need to run from my ubuntu ROS ?
It does not matter at all.
>by the way i notice there is 2 connectors from the Plen head board to the arduino controller board, is the connection of the between headboard and controller board matter ? which one i should attached to ?
I'm using the left one. If you can control your plendev by the PLENconnect, it must be OK.
In the plendev please run
rostopic echo /BleToControl
and tap the 'bow' motion in the PLENconnect, then you will get a message on your console like this:
>data: serial,w,$MP04
>data: gpio,w,act
(If you don't get anything, please tap several times.
I don't know why, but sometimes it seems to fail to show these messages.)
This means the message 'serial,w,$MP04' was sent on the topic /BleToControl.
And your plendev read them and bowed, didn't he/she?
So, if you send the same message on the same topic, your plendev must bow.
rostopic pub -1 /BleToControl std_msgs/String -- 'serial,w,$MP04'
Take it easy.
Hi mtakahar,
It seems to be a serious problem.
The original author of some CAD files claims that they must be removed from the plenproject repository. …
His claim sounds reasonable.
I wait for the plenproject team's explanation. I'm very very sorry.
Hi ylee12,
Hmm.. It worked for my plendev.
As the tutorial says, 'serial,w,$pm04' means 'play the motion in the slot #4'.
The slot #4 of your plendev may be empty.
How about other slots?
Or you can try (re)installing motions into your plendev by motioninstaller.
Hi ylee12,
rostopic pub -1 /PcToControl std_msgs/String -- 'serial,w,$pm04'
bash may consider $xxx in double quotes as an environment variable.
Hi ylee12,
> i plan to use BLE to trigger plen "wake up" is there a way to do so ?
It must be cute! I believe it's not so difficult, theoretically.
First, you need to ensure to connect your ble device to the intel edison of your plendev somehow.
[BLE device]->[Intel Edison(plendev)]-[Control Board(plendev)]
You can find some good guides about it online.
For example: … tel-edison
Then, it's ok to write a small ROS program to publish a ROS message to the /BleToControl topic when the BLE event is caught.
[BLE device]->[Intel Edison(plendev)]->[Control Board(plendev)]
I would be happy if it's of some help.
Hi ylee12,
Sorry for my very late response.
Your ROS setting seems to be correct. I don't know why your laptop couldn't connect to the master...
If you often lose the connection to your plendev, I recommend you to check your network setting up.
That's all I come up with. But the network trouble is always nightmare, isn't it? :(
I'm sorry that I wasn't very helpful.
> i also tried to run the command from the Plendev using putty line :
> laptop> rostopic pub -1 /I2cToControl std_msgs/String -- "gpio,w,on"
> and its works now but my plendev is kind of stuck at this LED blink ... is there a way for me to gain control back to Plendev ?
You don't need to do anything special. It's enough to turn LED off:
rostopic pub -1 /I2cToControl std_msgs/String -- "gpio,w,off"
Plendev is always waiting for your command even before your first command by ROS(ROS message).
More precisely, the process called "ControlNode" of plendev is watching these topics
and receives various commands through them:
Hi ylee12,
I'm glad to hear your plen has recovered. Congrats!
In our plendev, ROS is running by default.
But because you changed the network setting, you need to reconfigure several ROS environment variables of your plendev as follows:
I recommend you reboot your plendev once here.
Your laptop should bet set as follows:
(If you haven't installed ROS to your laptop, please install it.)
Then, your plendev and laptop must be in one ROS system now.
To make sure of it, please run
laptop> rostopic list
You will receive the list of topics in your ROS system like this:
How about controlling the LEDs of your plen from your laptop for the next step?
laptop> rostopic pub -1 /PcToControl std_msgs/String -- "gpio,w,on"
laptop> rostopic pub -1 /PcToControl std_msgs/String -- "gpio,w,off"
Hi ylee12,
I see...
You might fail to configure the auto-connection of your plendev to your local router
and your plendev rebooted unintetionally. Can't you find the PLEN2devxxxx network either?
If not so, you need Arduino expansion board or mini breakout board to recover, in my understanding.
FYI: … t-over-usb
To tell the truth, I was obliged to buy a mini breakout board for my plendev, but it was worth buying for me.
Hi, ylee12
Do you mean you ran your first two export commands on your control PC
and suddenly it lost the connection with PLENDEV?
That sounds very strange.
Your export commands couldn't affect your wifi connection
because they just set some environment variables of ROS.
I'm afraid your PLENDEV and PC have another problem.
Did you surely connect your PLENDEV to the router?
By default, our PLENDEV makes his own local wifi network.
Hi, waitingme
Is this? … itor_Unity
Hi, brjapon
* Ensure the PC to connect to the ROS_MASTER_URI
I found a small mistake in the tutorial.
Try setting ROS_MASTER_URI with "http://" like this:
To make sure that the PC is connected to the master process in the PLEN2,
$ rostopic list
on the control PC, for example.
* Launch ROS processes in PLEN2
If you want to launch ROS processes in PLEN2 automatically,
add a command to run your script to
* Launch ROS processes in control PC for running the blink LED script
As the tutorial says:
I think ROS is fun as well as PLEN2. Let's enjoy!
Hi, hyperhobby
I emailed to,
but it should be OK to contact through
Oh, dangerous! I'm afraid that too.
Let's wait for the official answer together.
Hi, NiQui
I'm just a PLEN2 user. FYI:
I have experienced very similar motion several times
when my battery was almost empty.
Is your PLEN battery charged enough?
Hi, Guavalif
It worked!
I need to change BLESERIAL_BAUDRATE if I use wifi connection instead of BLE, right?
Thank you so much.
By the way, today in Sunday. Don't work too hard! :)
Hello again,
I enjoy to control my USB-connected PLEN2 dev by online Motion Editor and Control Server 1.3.0 now.
Next, I'd like to control it wirelessly. So I tried to use "PLEN connect" (iOS), but I failed...
I connect my iPhone to my PLEN2 dev through wifi(SSID:"PLEN2devXXX..", PASS:"plenproject")
then my PLEN2's LED blinks when I tap control icons of PLEN connect.
I think my PLEN2 receives some signals from PLEN connect successfully,
but it never moves.
From my understanding, PLEN connect runs installed motions in my PLEN2.
I already installed all motion samples to my PLEN2 dev by MotionInstaller.
What's wrong?
Thank you for your kindness.
Hi Guvalif,
Fortunately, the support team offered me to give a new servo for the broken one,
because it's likely an early failure. I'm happy!
Anyway, I understand we need to avoid big servo stress for safety.
Thank you.
I received a PLEN2 dev edition assembly kit yesterday.
I believe I assembled it and I tuned up home positions without any troubles.
I could control all servos from ControlServer while tuning positions.
However, I found smoke from a servo when I switched it on today morning.
The servo seems to be broken. OMG.
I didn't send any signals yet today.
What happened and did I take some mistakes by any chance?
I'm new to use servos.
Thank you for your kindness.
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