#1 2018-03-02 11:21:25

Registered: 2017-12-20
Posts: 1,384

window boards, thickness 10mm, rib height

<p>more popular building materials, but this building material is not in recent years Just listed, very early in the time there is Ate board this building materials. The application of the Ete plate in our country is very extensive, because there are traces of Eite plate in large buildings such as the Great Hall of the People, or in the ceiling of some families. In our lives, Ete plate is a very common building materials. In fact, the </p>
<p>specifications of the special board is the first three are 2440 * 1220 * 12mm followed by 2440 * 1220 * 6mm Finally, 2440 * 1220 * 8mm, the three different specifications of the Ete board at the time of the purchase price is not Similarly, because it is produced by different manufacturers, so the specifications of such materials is not very uniform, in general, if you want to buy Ete plate, then the same </p>
<p>manufacturer Etelabel specifications Must be the same, more similar. Third, the special characteristics of Ete plate Ete plate is a hard, durable superior performance of fiber silicate sheet, which has a variety of thickness and density of the plate, this plate is very environmentally friendly, it does not contain asbestos and other harmful Material, can play a good role in fire prevention. This plate for the building </p>
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