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thousand stere, enter before Chinese white cabinet decks sri lanka particieboard crop 10 province, rank 9; Heilongjiang particieboard crop is 470 thousand stere, rank 10. Fujian and Liaoning two provinces drop before giving particieboard yield 10 province. 90% what crop of particieboard of before 10 province holds Chinese particieboard total output, concentration is spent rise further. rockwood cladding prices sa Before crop of particieboard of
2016 year China 10 provinces (area) 54.6% what output of Hua Dong region holds countrywide total output, continue to maintain Chinese particieboard to basically produce wpc manufacturer in korea area position, share rises 8.4% ; Hua Na area continues to maintain Chinese particieboard to produce the 2nd produce a division greatly, 15.2% what crop holds countrywide total output, share drops 1.6% ; China north area
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