#1 2018-03-24 04:03:35

Registered: 2017-12-20
Posts: 1,384

argument that the mortar constraint

<p>system construction &quot;Also in August 2009 in the National Building Standards Design Institute for revision. The industry is working hard to strengthen the application of extruded plate standards and standards, in order to ensure the extruded plate in the external insulation in the rational use. The national standard stipulates that the dimensional stability of the peeled extruded sheet is less than or equal to 2.0%. Knauf </p>
<p>has done some research on this point. By installing the expansion joints in a certain area by the external wall thermal insulation system, the system layers can be effectively released The deformation. Three: Dimensional Stability Many in the industry that the extruded sheet for exterior insulation because of poor dimensional stability, due to the impact of climate and its size deformation, eventually leading to the </p>
<p>coating layer cracking, as EPS system. In fact, we can see from the elastic modulus of the three materials in the system that the mortar is about 15500MPa, the EPS is about 4 ~ 6MPa and the XPS is about 7 ~ 9MPa. Although the EPS elastic modulus is slightly smaller than that of XPS, compared with the elastic modulus of mortar, EPS and XPS extruded plates belong to the same order of magnitude, and </p>
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