
Thanks for visiting my blog!

At work, I’m a game developer, with over 10 years experience making console games and mobile games

In my free time, I love making robots, 3D printing, and learning circus acrobatics.

I’m wildly passionate about all of those things, so I may write about any of those at this blog!

I post a lot of my personal projects on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/cevinius

You can find my 3D printable designs on Thingiverse: http://www.thingiverse.com/cevinius/designs

And, you can follow me on Twitter!

27 thoughts on “About”

  1. Does your sphero app work with iOS? In watching the video it appears you still have to tap on the app in order for some of the voice control to function, is this the case? I’m trying to come up with a gift for a friend who was recently paralyzed. He is completely paralyzed so if he has to tap on the app it really wouldn’t work. You can read about his story below and he’ll be on the Ellen DeGeneres show today


    1. Hi Kristen,

      My app is only on Android at the moment. I’m planning to port to iOS, but it’ll take more time.

      The app does require at least a tap on “Listen” to start the conversation. It will then try to keep the conversation going… However, if you stop talking to it, it will assume you’ve wandered off, and then you’ll need to tap “Listen” again to restart the conversation. So, it might not work…

      With my other robot project (MobBob), I used face detection to trigger starting to listen. (Here’s a video of that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENuJVaBbQxE) So a system like that might work for your friend. I’ll have to look into it as a future option.


      I hope you find the perfect gift, and I wish you friend well.

      1. Hello, cevinius:
        Nice to know you, I am very interested in your Mobbob Project and implement a protype by myself. But there are some problems I want to consult you. I am in the Chinese mainland and maybe you know that I can’t access many websites like Google Play, youtube, twitter, facebook, etc. So it will be very helpful if you can give me your email and I will contact with you through it.

        The sincerity anticipates your reply (to my email: binhu@ia.ac.cn).

        1. Hi Bin,

          It’s very nice to meet you. I’ll send you an e-mail to pass on my contact, but I would prefer to answer questions as comments on the MobBob page (instead of via e-mail) as much as possible. That way, if other people have similar queries, they can see the answers too!

          Look forward to talking more soon.


  2. Hello civinius, I liked your project. I live in Brazil and I teach English to my son, and this is a good start. Schools here are bad and expensive. I hope to publicize their work to others. Sorry for bad English. I’m having trouble getting the battery, there is another to replace.
    Thank you. hugs

    1. Hi Andre,

      I wish you all the best for your build. You should be able to other batteries. I think most phone booster batteries should be fine. They should provide a stable 5V. Pick one that provides a stronger current output. (If it’s hard to tell, perhaps avoid small looking batteries. Those probably use a single cell and then step the voltage up to 5V, reducing the current that it output.)

      After you find a battery, you can adjust the holder for your battery, or else attach it some other way!

      Again, I wish you all the best for your build!


  3. Hi,

    I have a problem opening the mobbob app in my old android phone. When it opens, then it will close back to the main screen. Could you please help me? The phone model is GT-S5301

        1. Hmm. The earliest version of Android I’ve tried was KitKat (4.4), so I’m not sure if earlier versions are supported. The app has been tested most using Android 5 (‘Lollipop’).

          So I’m not sure if it’ll work with 4.0.4.

    1. Hi Lily,

      When I first started, I was using 123D Design. However, I now use Blender to do all my modeling. Blender is not the easiest to learn (and some of the ways it works is not very intuitive…) However, I find that Blender makes it fairly easy to set precise sizes and positions for all the parts/objects, and it’s free!


  4. hello,

    I don’t understand why I start MOBBOB app and begin to talk with him,every times the app will crash.
    Is there some issures with Google service?


    1. Are other apps working with the Google Speech-To-Text? For example, maybe try doing a voice search from Google Now. That can help narrow down whether it’s related to the voice recognition functionality.

      (I will be doing some updates soon, and will do some testing here with the latest version of Android, etc.)


          1. Hi Lily,

            Sorry about the delay. I haven’t had much time recently due to work. However, I’m working on MobBob this weekend, so I’ll have an update tomorrow.


          2. Hi Lilly,

            I did some tests on the weekend and the voice recognition is working OK for me. Just to check, is the voice recognition set to English on your device? Also, do you have any other Android device that you can test it on? Which country are you in? I think Google services doesn’t work in some countries, and the voice recognition relies on that.

            I am currently working on a major update to the MobBob app. I am rewriting a lot of it. I’m doing a re-organization of the code to make everything tidier and more extensible. I want to start adding new interactions and functionality to the app. It’s taking me a while… and it’s still not complete… I will be using some different libraries in the new version, so if you still don’t have luck with the current version, maybe try the new version when it’s already.

            All the best! Sorry, I can offer more advice at this stage.


  5. I am using bluno mini ble , I used the BlunoDemoApp for android as the base to edit the android app.
    I have no problem connecting to its ble and sending serial commands via its main page. The problem comes in when I tried to create a 2nd activity and implement some button to send some serial commands. Though commenting off the onPause() and onStopProcess() on the MainActivity , I managed to prevent the bluetooth service from disconnecting and close. So the bluetooth connection remain thoughout but the serial commands wouldn’t work on the 2nd activity still , but it work on the 1st activity. Been on it for a few days =x.

    Would appreciate if you can guide me or provide me with source code so that I can understand it better.


    1. Hi Jack,

      Can’t offer any advice on that unfortunately… I wrote my app using the Unity game engine, so I didn’t have to handle the Android Activities at that level.

      So you can send commands successfully from the first activity?


  6. Hello!

    I’m from South Korea.
    I’m very glad that I found your website.
    I have a assignment for one of my class(Digital signal Processing) regarding Sphero. I have to control Sphero w my voice in Android Studio application.

    I want to ask if you can share your code w me please.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi THOR,

      I didn’t write my app with Android Studio. I used the Unity game engine. So I don’t think my code is relevant for your use.

      All the best,

  7. Hi Kevin,

    We are coming to Melbourne for the coming Aug. My son and i would like to meet you for the checking out the MOBBOB.

    Possible to meet you there?

    Look forward to her from you soon.


    1. Hi Erik,

      Sorry about the slow reply. I’ve been busy with work and haven’t had time to check this site.

      I’m traveling overseas for work in the early part of August. If I’m around when you’re here, we could try to meet in a cafe in the city or something.

      Hope you have a great trip to Melbourne.


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