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You can help us translate NanoDLP to different languages.
Please, use repository below.
Hi, I'm translate to Brazilian portuguese, where I put the files to test with everything is ok?
Will send you an email.
I am translating
Thank you
Hi, I'm italian, if you need help contact me
No, French PO does not exist.
Hi, I'm Turk, I can translate to Turkish.
Will it be an options or single language?
ps: I think I understand. I cloned the files.
Last edited by Kaelthas (2017-11-29 07:47:33)
Hi, I have translated nanoDLP files into spanish language. Maybe it would be great that someone could correct the files, or just have a look because I have a Wanhao D7 and nanoDLP but I'm still beginning (yes I'm a newbie) and many of those terms are almost unknown for me.
Anyway, I don't know exactly how to use Git but I could send you the files by email guys (if you want). Oh, and just in case this translation was useful, would be available through a menu inside nanoDLP ? How could we update de nanoDLP files to spanish language ?
Thanks a lot for you effort, you're BIG
I am translating Chinese
The file has been sent to the homepage mailbox
Last edited by BD7KLE (2018-01-22 15:31:51)
LoRaX, is Spanish Spain or Latin American Spanish?
LoRaX, is Spanish Spain or Latin American Spanish?
Spanish Spain
Hi! I am trying to set NanoDLP translated to Spanish.
I have added Spanish line option to setup-configuration.html
<select class="form-control" name="Lang" id="Lang">
<option value="" {% if Lang=="" %}selected{% endif %} translate>English</option>
<option value="sp" {% if Lang=="sp" %}selected{% endif %} translate>Spanish</option>
<option value="pt-br" {% if Lang=="pt-br" %}selected{% endif %} translate>Brazilian Portuguese</option>
<option value="it" {% if Lang=="it" %}selected{% endif %} translate>Italian</option>
And also downloaded the sp.po file from github and loaded to my own nanodlp /public/lang folder.
I selected Spanish in the Languages list, and even if I choose Italian or Portuguese , it always maintains English Language.
What I forget?
Hi! I am trying to set NanoDLP translated to Spanish.
I have added Spanish line option to setup-configuration.html
<select class="form-control" name="Lang" id="Lang">
<option value="" {% if Lang=="" %}selected{% endif %} translate>English</option>
<option value="sp" {% if Lang=="sp" %}selected{% endif %} translate>Spanish</option>
<option value="pt-br" {% if Lang=="pt-br" %}selected{% endif %} translate>Brazilian Portuguese</option>
<option value="it" {% if Lang=="it" %}selected{% endif %} translate>Italian</option>And also downloaded the sp.po file from github and loaded to my own nanodlp /public/lang folder.
I selected Spanish in the Languages list, and even if I choose Italian or Portuguese , it always maintains English Language.
What I forget?
Hola amigo, para utilizar el nano en español tan solo tienes que actualizarlo a la última versión mediante la interface web (configuración-->herramientas-->actualizar nanoDLP--->actualizar a la última versión Beta.) y ya te saldrá como opción el español. No hay que hacer nada de eso que dices. Al menos yo es como lo he hecho. Instalé nanoDLP y actualicé a través del navegador.
Edito: Bueno, he puesto versión Beta porque era la única que lo incluía en la primera revisión que hice del español pero quizás ahora con la última versión oficial ya esté incluida.
Last edited by LoRaX (2018-02-09 11:07:22)
Hola Lorax gracias por contestar tan rápido, la cuestión es que he hecho algunos cambios en mi NanoDLP para personalizarlo a mis necesidades, cambios de colores y menús que he eliminado. Y temo que si actualizo sin más, se perderán todos estos cambios.
Donde puedo descargar las diferentes versiones y actualizaciones de NanoDLP, para inspeccionar las diferentes carpetas y comprobar si se han añadido más ficheros?
Un saludo!
Ssoy un newbie total en el nanoDLP, tan solo me encargué de traducirlo y los responsables aplicaron la traducción a los archivos. No tengo ni idea de modificar nada del nano jeje, ya lo siento Frank. De todas formas, no puedes hacer un backup de como lo tienes ahora, actualizar y si te borra todo volver a cargar el backup ?
Un saludo
Please, post only in English.
Hi, I created a post in the help section of the forum.
I sent you a request, I added the Turkish Translation part for your project on the GitHub.
Please check it, I hope you accept and merged.
Note: Let me know if you find an error
Hi~ I found some problems with Chinese in the NanoDLP and made changes. How should I upload and test?
Last edited by 驴叫神兽 (2018-08-16 09:35:35)
Use nanodlp github to correct problems
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