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Is there a helper script or something that does the nano shutdown and restart after an update?
I like keeping my printer up-to-date but for some time now beta updates (and release updates too) do not actually seem to restart nanoDLP.
I am wondering if maybe some file that is not installed with the normal updates got corrupted.
I don't want to do a full reinstall and I can easily work around this by manually restarting (I actually do a shutdown and powercycle)
but it would be nice to just be able to do an update and refresh my browser and get the newest version.
Of course this is only a problem since the updates come so regularly (which is great)
I usually update my Linux remote slicer box, which I wrote a script for, first. Then if it shows a new version I automactically update the printer
installation, shutdown and reboot.
Last edited by macdarren (2019-04-18 21:52:57)
Issue is that pigpio does not get terminate correctly (as I remember) and stall restart/shutdown attempts. (It is only important for direct control)
On the latest build I have moved to official rasbian build maybe official one does not have such issue.
Hmmm....latest update fails all I can no longer update my Pi....I tried it twice...restarting to see if it helps
Warning 0 2019-04-20 01:40:22.052505 Upgrade External Call Problem fork/exec /bin/sh: cannot allocate memory
Notice 0 2019-04-20 01:40:22.051836 Upgrade Upgrade Process Started
Warning 0 2019-04-20 01:39:44.651081 Upgrade External Call Problem fork/exec /bin/sh: cannot allocate memory
Notice 0 2019-04-20 01:39:44.645943 Upgrade Upgrade Process Started
Follow up: REstart (had to power down) fixed the issue and I can now get the update to install....still have to manually restart after update is downloaded.
Follow up #2: just clicking restart does shut down the 'printer' but it never comes back up....power cycle seems the only way to get it going after the update.
Last edited by macdarren (2019-04-19 17:52:13)
Have you tried removing pigpio? (If you are not using PWM shutter it is pretty safe to remove)
I don't know how to do that....sorry my Pi skills are under-developed...just linux that some sort of driver or something?
Okay I read up on the pigpio library....I will look into disabling or remove it....
I should mention my rPi started out as a Phrozen shuffle pi with custom nano I overloaded the nano install via forced update,
so I am not sure removal is safe as I don't know what is direct driven vs arduino but that is what backups are for,
Last edited by macdarren (2019-04-19 18:04:10)
type which pigpiod and remove file and restart. You can take backup in case of issue to restore it. I doubt it being used on LCD printers at all
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