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my pi is running v2228 (at least that is what it says in the log when it boots up)
I can see there is an update available....
I have tried both the release and the beta
I get the same result...the download seems to start (log says downloading) then the pi goes offline.
It never comes back online....seems like a full OS crash as I can't ssh or ping it once this happens.
When I manually reboot I am still on v2228
I am guessing something is wrong the download/extraction as I do not see the
download percentage status as I recall from previous updates.
Please, retry again see if the issue still persists. Do you remember what was the last version you have upgraded from?
I tried again with the same result.....I usually keep my system up to date with the latest beta.......checking every few days but I have not around to do upates for a week or most likely whatever beta came immediately before 2228 was what I was using....
Any way for me to do the update from an ssh window and maybe get more info on what is failing?
While getting my new remote slicer working I noticed that my pi now can't enter machine setup...
It says "internal server error' when trying to load that page.
Last edited by macdarren (2019-06-17 01:18:50)
Very strange as I have checked templates/setup.html file and it seems ok. (cause of the internal server error)
Please, share a debug file. Also please attach templates/setup.html file.
hey there
I am encountering the same issue
Ive got two machines.
ive tried to update after I saw long prints tend to loose connection with the ramps
in some point the motor is going up and down constantly while the projector is projecting randomly.
The issue has been fixed. Upgrade to the latest build manually.
I have been running v2256 I think but today I noticed that there was an update....(blue tag in upper right)
I clicked the blue tag
I choose update to latest beta.
browser lost connection
then Pi crashed (could no longer Ping)
power cycled pi after waiting a couple minutes
Pi rebooted
browser reconnected
now reports v2291
So yeah...this is much better than manual update...not sure why pi hangs and requires reboot but this is pretty much always the way it worked before
update mechanism started to fail to update requiring reboots and manual updates or progress!!
It should just restart nanodlp itself without rebooting pi. Maybe conflicting systemd file cause it. For the next upgrade hopefully it does not happens as I put safeguard inside nanodlp for pi systemd.
attempted update from 2291 to 2293 (betas) had same failure...pi goes down per cycle required to version available on reboot.
I had an ssh window open following the log when I attempted the update
pi@raspberrypi:/home $ tail -f /var/log/printer.log
{"time":"2019-07-19T02:02:22.316199316+08:00","level":"ERROR","prefix":"echo","file":"echo.go","line":"580","message":"code=404, message=Not Found"}
2019/07/19 02:06:16.827114 {"Layer":"220","module":"Upgrade","level":"Notice","msg":"Upgrade Process Started"}
2019/07/19 02:06:16.827444 {"Layer":"220","module":"Upgrade","level":"Notice","msg":"Downloading..."}
{"time":"2019-07-19T02:06:16.994932163+08:00","level":"ERROR","prefix":"echo","file":"echo.go","line":"580","message":"code=404, message=Not Found"}
2019/07/19 02:06:23.841032 {"Layer":"220","module":"Upgrade","level":"Notice","msg":"Upgrade process is successful"}
packet_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe
I am also having this issue. When I click on either stable or beta to update it just goes to the main page and doesn't update.
My printer is also acting strange failing to print in several different ways that I've never seen before.
How do I manually update nanodlp?
I am on build #2229
Last edited by WouldyouPrintaCar (2019-07-20 18:50:35)
You mean it installed correctly or it still same version requiring upgrade?
Install completed I assume before Pi went down. Upon reboot the new version was up and running.
Please, paste /etc/systemd/system/nanodlp.service content.
Also try reload nanodlp from setup / tools tab see if it come up correctly
a bit late but does this look right?
also choosing setup/tools/reload causes the same hang as update...
It requires a power cycle to bring the system back up (even ping goes down)
pi@raspberrypi:/etc/systemd/system $ cat nanodlp.service
Description=NanoDLP service
After=systemd-user-sessions.service plymouth-quit-wait.service
ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/pi/printer/config/
pi@raspberrypi:/etc/systemd/system $
Last edited by macdarren (2019-10-01 22:02:20)
Please, replace it with and retry.
Description=NanoDLP service
After=systemd-user-sessions.service plymouth-quit-wait.service
ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/pi/printer/config/
Hmm that seems to have solved my update issue....I can't really tell for sure until a new update is released but an update to the same version did seem to restart the system without requiring a power on reset....yeah!!!
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