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#1 2016-04-20 09:36:21

Registered: 2016-04-20
Posts: 5

Projector Calibration Images

I'm trying to calibrate my projector distance to the build plate and was wondering a few things that I wasn't able to find an answer to. In particular my setup is a little strange because I'm using an old projector that with an HDMI to VGA converter. My current resolution is 1024x768, not huge but a start.

Disclaimer: I'm not a heavy Linux User / Programmer, I'm a 3D printing consultant and industrial designer (so lots of ideas, but my execution is really only in hardware).

Are these calibration images only available in 1920x1280?
Can you change the image to a different resolution so that the whole image fills the screen and is easier to measure?
What is the distance of the spacing (in pixels) of the fine and bold lines in the 1920x1280?
Could someone post the calibration images?
Would it be possible to manually swap out the images in a particular folder on the RPi?

I could adjust the resolution that the Pi outputs but my concern is that the dimensioning won't be accurate due to scaling the image to fit the projector resolution (aside from the fact the RPi doesn't cooperate very well with the projector at strange resolution combinations).



#2 2016-04-20 10:06:14

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 2,737

Re: Projector Calibration Images

1. Yes calibration images are fullhd only
2. Probably something similar to this suggestion will be implemented which could cover your need too.
3. Calibration image something which I was put together very quickly to check focus and etc for personal use (gimp). Unfortunately no one offered better one. I do not remember spacing. For measurement use boundaries image.
4. What you mean by posting calibration image?
5. Sure you can replace calibration images. /home/pi/printer/public/general/
6. Play with HDMI modes through tvservice if you have issue with resolution.
7. On OS level we do not do any scaling and there is no layer between nanodlp and firmware blob. So it is unlikely any scaling happens. But make sure resolution is correct through tvservice command.


#3 2016-10-08 15:12:53

Registered: 2016-05-26
Posts: 13

Re: Projector Calibration Images

Hey, I had the same problem, so I decided to make a little python script to generate images for different resolutions, real quick.
It is still work in progress, but maybe it is useful to others, too.

You can find it on Bitbucket:

I am also open to suggestions on how to improve it.

Cheers, Sebastian


#4 2016-10-08 20:03:13

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 2,737

Re: Projector Calibration Images


For the last couple of weeks we are generating images dynamically.


#5 2016-10-08 21:26:04

Registered: 2016-05-26
Posts: 13

Re: Projector Calibration Images

Okay, cool... but I can't find it. Is it still in beta?

Best, Sebastian


#6 2016-10-09 03:35:37

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 2,737

Re: Projector Calibration Images

Yes, it is still beta.


#7 2017-01-28 05:31:39

Registered: 2017-01-28
Posts: 2

Re: Projector Calibration Images

I'm using a 1280 x 800 projector with version 1322. Are the calibration images being generated now rather then displayed from the printer/public/general directory? I've used the python script above and checked the images for size but the images displayed are different then the ones created by the script. How can this be changed?

Thanks, John


#8 2017-01-28 06:15:30

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 2,737

Re: Projector Calibration Images

The calibration images being generated as soon as you press display button.


#9 2017-01-28 16:38:01

Registered: 2017-01-28
Posts: 2

Re: Projector Calibration Images

Hi Shanin, as always thanks for the great work and quick response. My printer is working great with NanoDLP but the prints are coming out with a oval shape rather then round, (rook and sphere).  When I focus on the bottom of the vat and use the boundary image to make the x/y measurements I come up with 120X67 (roughly) which works out for a 1940 X 1080 projector not a 1280 X 800. On the setup page I have entered 1280 X 800 but it does not seem to make a difference. Is the calibration image size hard coded or can it be changed for different projectors?

Thanks, John


#10 2017-01-28 19:35:15

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 2,737

Re: Projector Calibration Images

Calibration images should match resolution you have selected. For example boundary should display border on whole display area. Maybe you need to setup HDMI mode manually and your display resolution is not detected by RPi correctly.


#11 2017-02-15 19:53:06

Registered: 2016-07-27
Posts: 30

Re: Projector Calibration Images

Is there a way to adjust X resolution separately from Y? I print a 10mm test cube, and I get 10.04mm in X and 10.14mm in Y. Is there a way to adjust this out?

Also, I was curious about how this is listed in the program. In the setup menu XY resolution is specified in Micron, but in the printer profiles tab it is in percentage. Is it that way for a reason?
In upgrading from a 3 or so month old version, it appears that my 74.78 micron value turned into 0 in the setup screen and is listed as 74.48 (percent) on the profiles screen... Did they flip flop in how the JSON file gets read or something?

Last edited by Jimustanguitar (2017-02-15 19:56:03)


#12 2017-02-15 20:35:05

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 2,737

Re: Projector Calibration Images

No it is not possible to change x/y separately. Change the actual resolution itself.

This specifically added per request of a manufacturer to speedup their printers adjustment, they had strong opinion on why it must be percentage based.

I have messed up on one of the old release, mistakenly moved resolution value, it probably caused by that specific version.


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