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I would love a feature to generate optimum rotation/position with respect to the plate.
I can think of two possible choices...
a rotation that reduces the number of supports...this might work in conjunction with the auto support maybe by brute force of trying several rotations and the computing support requirements.
A similar optimization that instead minimizes the largest cross section found on any layer.
There might be more possibilities these are just two that I use when setting things up manually.
A second feature would be the option to include internal support for hollow objects or objects that NanoSuppot hollows for you (I guess that would be a third feature but is already in nanoDLP)
Thanks for all the hard work!
Both features are on our roadmap. We are focused on auto support right now. It will take time as it is pretty difficult to get close to ideal result from kind of feature. Hopefully we can increase our feature throughput after finishing it.