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I have been trying to get the Ardunio Uno to drive the stepper motor with no success . The stepper controller is an LM YN 3D Printer Controller, it has S,D,E pins out for Digital Pins 8,9,10.(i mapped wires from sde to pins 8,9,10 on UNO) How do I make it work, do i have to edit files in GBRL ? I can take the same S,D,E pinout and map them to Raspberry PI GPIO 22,15,16 and i can drive the motor with no issues, but the motor is not smooth, jittery. Here is the pic of the stepper motor controller:
PS Nanodlp ramps terminal does see and work with the UNO, i can send commands with no issues. $ , $$ and so on, but when I do G1 F200 Z10.00, it goes thru with 'ok ok' but the motor does not move. Also the z-axis buttons does not do anything, the motor is energized.
Here is the pic of the setup, minus the power adapter and cables for better picture:
Last edited by voc007 (2019-08-25 22:42:25)
Hi . Not sure i can help but i have a few questions based on your pics .
Ok so i see the SD&E pins wired up but what are the other 4 wires for ??
I cant seem to see any power input on the stepper driver board which leads me to think the 4 pins might include power ?? Typically stepper chips need at least 12VDC ( the board has 9V1A on it) The UNO wont be able to supply that. Just my 2 cents
If you look at some examples of driving a stepper you can see the minimum requirements ( 8 volts) … -tutorial/
The 4 pins pins on the stepper board seem to be 5VDC GND ( both from UNO) GND 9VDC a separate power source
The 5VDC & GND from the UNO are as a reference ( for the S,D&E) the GND & 9VDC are for motor power
The 2 GND's are connected ( look under the board) This is common practice for Arduino where 2 power sources are used
Good luck
Last edited by bigfilsing (2019-08-24 23:47:27)
Yeah I have separate power supply for the boards I just removed the cables out of the way for a clear picture.
Okay, after trying all the pins ardunio UNO, S goes to Digital Pin 4, D goes to Pin 7, E goes to Pin 9, finally all the hard work paid off
Okay, after trying all the pins ardunio UNO, S goes to Digital Pin 4, D goes to Pin 7, E goes to Pin 9, finally all the hard work paid off
Thats good news