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I fail to update nanoDLP recently. I have 1778 version and with beta update or stable update I got such message in error log:
Connectivity problem Get dial tcp: lookup on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:55539->[::1]:53: read: connection refused
I tried to reinstall nanoDLP via terminal, but still the same version is used although it seemed that reinstall was done (setup questions were asked at the end).
Looks like your rpi does not have proper internet access to get updated.
Well, it apparently was not internet connection. Both of my devices had the same issue. I re-flashed nanoDLP and after that it works. But internet config is the same and network is the same. Second machine still does not allow to update, whereas the first one, flashed one, works fine.
Well, I will have to reflash the second one as well.