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Is it possible to install another cure time for supports?
It is necessary for the supports to be printed more rigid than the model, and to better detach from the model surface.
What is the parameter "supportcuretime" and how to use it?
Use cure time under burn-in section.
I meant different burning times for support and model
Some layers could contains both support and model, also nanodlp does not receive any info which indicate what part is support or model.
You can download 2 models. One for support, one for print.
Also in the STL file, you can transfer multiple shapes. In the NanoDLP 3D editor, you can make a shape selection for supports and print shapes.
Each layer can be represented by two images:
1. Supported item
2. Supports
1.Detail without support
2. Supports
and on the process of printing do OR images
It will take plenty of time to develop.
Different exposure times for supports and models allows to improve print quality, simplify removal of supports and reduce traces from supports, up to the complete absence of traces.
This method is already used on some models of 3D printers.
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