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#1 2018-05-12 22:41:52

Registered: 2018-05-12
Posts: 12

Issues and general usage questions

So I have some issues with NanoDLP and also some general questions. I'd love if they get answered, maybe it would help others aswell. I am using nanodlp with a 2k LCD and 50w UV LED in direct mode.


  1. Losing steps. Often, after a layer, when the z-axis lifts and goes down again, the motor sounds as it would lose steps right at the moment the platform is in its fully-down position. My motor works fine, the current is set right, the speeds are quite low I would say. What could be the issue here?

  2. Sometimes I cannot stop, or even force-stop a print. The page would just continue displaying the current running print information without me being able to start a new one/ move the z axis. Stopping a print only ever works after successfully printing some layers. Is this a bug?

  3. My stepper sounds weird with direct control. Not only that, if I move the z-axis while not printing, it does not run smoothly. It seems like it stops for some steps inbetween movements. The motor is fine, I tested it in another machine. Also, my settings are correct. 1.8 degree / 32 microsteps. My threaded rod runs smoothly aswell.

  4. After uploading a plate, while slicing, I cannot move my z-axis. If it finishes processing the plate, z-axis works fine again. Bug?


  1. What is the general approach for homing the z-axis? Moving the platform down until it touches the vat bottom and pressing the "Measure Z-Axis Length" button? Or is there any other, preferably automatic homing routine with direct control? Also, do I need to home before every print?

  2. Is direct control or RAMPS preferred?

  3. Are there other slicer options, or do we all use the inbuilt nanodlp slicer?

  4. What motor speeds do you use for direct control? Is there any maximum speed you experienced?

  5. From where do you start printing? Meaning, how much space is between the vat bottom and the buildplate? And how are you setting that? Are you homing to absolute zero and setting '0.01' as "Wait Position", so it starts 0.01 away from the buildplate? Are you homing to a piece of paper and use that exact position? What is the consensus here?

Unfortunately there isn't much info around in the internet about nanodlp and dlp printers in general. We need to change that.

Thanks so much.

Last edited by 0x6c23 (2018-05-13 00:21:16)


#2 2018-05-13 03:11:04

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 2,737

Re: Issues and general usage questions

1. If you are sure that current is right, it is probably not strong enough for the first layers which have very strong vacuum force resisting movements. If your platform does not have holes, put some to ease movements.
2. No, it is intended to make sure you can resume printing, as half cured layer would not be fixable.
3. Make sure you does not slicing during movements, heavy load on rpi cause timing issue on OS which lead to uneven steps.
4. We do not have limit on movement during slicing but as mentioned if you have uploaded complex STL files slow down and uneven steps on rpi is expected.

a. You only need to calibrate z-axis length once, if you change tank, it is better to do z-length measurement again. When you turn on the printer it is automatically touch endswitch to make sure it does not moved when it is off. Also it is better to touch endswitch if you believe it skipped some steps or you turn off motor through enable ping after each movement (functionality available but off)
b. You get better and faster movements using RAMPS but if you prefer slow speed and simpler and more reliable setup use direct control.
c. There are lots of slicer out there, but latest build of nanodlp slicer performing better than majority specially if you do remote slicing.
d. Default values are preferred speed.
e. No space preferred, no need to put space between them.


#3 2018-05-13 18:30:21

Registered: 2018-05-12
Posts: 12

Re: Issues and general usage questions

Awesome! Thanks for the quick response. Also, thanks for NanoDlp! My printer is finally running now, I have one issue left, though. I can't seem to find out what is causing this. Here are some pictures:

Open me in a new Tab (IMGUR)

As you can see, I printed the model onto a raft. The raft was pretty strongly attached onto my buildplate. So no issues with the raft. The model itself however, was not completely attached to the raft. It was fine in the middle, but it did not stick on the outer edges.

Why could that be happening? I mean the raft was sticking to the buildplate, why didn't the model itself stick to the raft then?


#4 2018-05-13 21:48:04

Registered: 2018-05-12
Posts: 12

Re: Issues and general usage questions

I solved the above issue! If anyone else has this problem, my solution was to change my LED system. Meaning, my light was not uniform enough, even though I thought it was, so it did not cure the outer layers well enough.


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