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Pages: 1
Printed a very long model for 54 hours.
At 4840 of the 4906 layer, the printer freezes. The last entry in the printer.log log file was the entry "2019/09/25 09: 58: 42.014555 {" Layer ":" 4840 "," module ":" System "," level ":" Error "," msg ": "High memory usage, force GC 796 50 11"} "
When the printer was turned on, it was proposed to select a printer profile, after which the machine settings and resin settings were reset.
Tell me, what is the reason for the failure?
It is unfortunate.
From you debug file, there is indication of taking photo procedure does not get terminated and fill memory.
How to fix this problem?
Decrease frequency of shot taken, also you can add killall command before so no excessive process will remain open
A camera call is made by NanoDLP. Could you add control over killing camera processes?
Raspstill get forked, so no problem nanodlp just receive error indicating killed process.
Pages: 1