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My display is showing the image in two sections that are separated. here is my config file and a picture of the display and the image that it is supposed to display.
Display pictures:
I have already tried switching the position of vertical and horizontal resolution to no avail.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
I haven't done much resin printing in a while due to work commitments but here's what i think may set you on the path to a solution
This could be down to a couple of things
what machine do you have and are you running it from a PC/lap top or a Raspi ?
I'm guessing as you're using Nano DLP, your using a raspi. In which case check your config file ( on the SD card and used at boot up ).
Here is a link to my config file >> … g.txt?dl=0
Its for my YHD101-KLD1260 2560X1440
Beware this is just for comparison ...what works on one machine wont always work on another. There are quite a few different set ups
Looking at your image i think you maybe have your slice software rendering in the wrong orientation (Landscape instead of Portrait)
Have you tried a portrait image ?
I recently had a similar issue when i installed ChiTuBox slicer ( great free slicer BTW)
When i used the "default" machine settings it rendered portrait slices and when i used " WanhaoD7 it renders landscape.
Here are 2 test files you can load into NanoDLP to see if the Portrati Landscape thing help
You dont need to unpack them as NanoDLP will accept ZIP file containers of image sequences … …
Worth a try and see what you get
Good luck