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I am pulling my hair out trying to get the correct setting for the WiFi. I know my password and username are correct, not so sure about the WPA settings. seems what ever I can find everyone's is different. How/where can I find what to put in the wpa_supplicant???
The easiest way to set up wifi is to do it within NanoDLP. First, connect the Raspi3 with an ethernet cable Go to the main Nano DLP page. Top right corner there will be a blue "WiFi" Icon . CLick that then fill in your AP name and password
Thank you for replying! Its all set up and running now I just have to deal with all the other things!
I can connect to nanodlp via ethernet cable only! I have tried entering my wifi info on the dashboard and it there is a green button that shows my wifi network name, but when I disconnect my ethernet cable I lose connection to the dashboard.
The only way i can connect is to hook up my ethernet cable again. I would like to run my nanodlp from my computer without having to use an ethernet cable.
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