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I'm trying to print on 35 microns but I'm getting a shorter object after printing. After some tracing of the G-Code send and received on the terminal, I have found out the following:
After sending G90 G1 Z0.035 F90 and calling M114, I get X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.03 E:0.00 Count X:0 Y:0 Z:353
At this point, NanoDLP saves the [[CurrentPosition]] to 0.03, which is affecting my peeling, because I'm doing a peel and then returning to the [[CurrentPosition]] plus [[LayerThickness]], where the numbers are wrong in this case. And the error increases as I move forward with the print.
I have tried enabling M114_DETAIL in Marlin and setting the precision to 3, but it didn't return any accurate result in this concern.
After some time trying, I have overcome this issue by calling [[PositionSet 0.035]] which actually worked.
But the issue showed again after some layers printing. For example, on the 3rd layer, I'm calling [[PositionSet 0.105]]. But when I call [[CurrentPosition]] Afterward. I'm getting 104 instead. And the more layers I have for a print, the bigger the error will show
Has anyone else had this issue? and any idea how to overcome it?
Much thanks
NanoDLP uses float32 to keep position. I am not sure what is wrong as you have not shared whole gcode sequences.
You can try use PositionChange instead of PositionSet to see if it makes any difference.
I'm currently having a similar issue after updating my RPI with the latest NanoDLP, but instead, I'm unable to update the printer's current position.
For me, I have the following:
Gcode before each layer:
G1 Z{[[CurrentPosition]] + [[LayerThickness]] } F[[ZSpeed]]
[[PositionSet { [[CurrentPosition]] + [[LayerThickness]] } ]]
GCode after each layer:
;Position to peel from -> [[CurrentPosition]]
G1 Z{[[CurrentPosition]] + [[ZLiftDistance]]} F40
In my case, [[CurrentPosition]] is not being updated, but calling [[PositionSet { [[CurrentPosition]] + [[LayerThickness]] } ]] from the terminal manually does work. Also note that I'm printing on 0.03 layer thickness
Correction: executing [[PositionSet {[[CurrentPosition]]+[[LayerThickness]]}]] directly from the terminal does not work but [[PositionSet 3.0300]] instead (for example) does work
Fixed on the beta version
For anyone who hasn't updated, and is using marlin, executing M114 did solve the issue for me
Last edited by Rocky (2018-12-03 11:23:44)
Pages: 1