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#1 2019-06-20 22:00:34

Registered: 2017-03-20
Posts: 289

Odd discrepency.....

have a simple regular geometric model.....a mechanical part not a sculpture.
I slice it using two different profiles that are clones of each other except that one is 100um at 18 seconds and the other is 50um at 12 seconds...all else is the same.
The plate at 50um reports 584 layers and needing 8.03ml resin the other at 100um reports 292 layers (which seems right) but 11.18 ml of resin.
I would expect that both shapes would print and the results would be nearly identical....but I wonder which resin use would be closest.
It seems they should be computed to be the same even if they are not super accurate.....I would not expect a nearly 30% difference in calculated or real use.

(I used the Pi slicer which reports at v2252 in the log at boot but shows there is a newer version available on plate screen)


#2 2019-06-21 05:56:04

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 2,737

Re: Odd discrepency.....

It depends on geometry, if it has too many surface with 45 degree I guess it is quite possible it use ~20% more resin.
It is easy to verify, check all layers from preview page, find total fill areas see how different are the sum.


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