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#1 2019-04-27 06:14:17

Registered: 2017-03-20
Posts: 289

linux version out of date?

I ask because I use linux as my remote slicer for my pi.

typically linux install number closely matched the Pi off only by on or two points.
however my linux version is now several behind 2177 vs 2185 and the linux rev has
started reporting there is a newer version but my attempt to 'wget' and install a new version
always results in v2177 and the again report that there is a newer version available.

probably just a not enough hours in the day thing but not sure how remote slicing is affected by versions being out of sync,

Thanks for all the great updates!!!!


#2 2019-04-27 15:50:31

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 2,737

Re: linux version out of date?


Until recently all new updates were related to pi. Just yesterday we had pretty large change on slicer to improve correctness and performance. Will update all versions soon.


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