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#1 2016-12-25 01:26:51

Apple pens
Registered: 2016-12-23
Posts: 16

I want to operate KLD-LCD 1260

Please support me

I want to operate KLD-LCD 1260 (1440 x 2560 LCD, Sprinter firmware)

I'd like to make a connection as easily as possible.    (A or B)

-A- … ldrTndIdXM

-B- … 0xocm4zMmc

-------Explanation I saw------------

I am not good at English and there are many explanations which I can not understand.

Thank you


#2 2016-12-25 04:00:23

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 162

Re: I want to operate KLD-LCD 1260

Hi You don't need to do either A or B You can simply use the Raspi HDMI to the Screen and a Raspi usb port to the KLD 1260 controller board serial connection.

Leave the original KLD 1260 controller in place ( MKS 1.1 pcb) so it can drive 1/ the stepper motor 2 / Drive the LED power ON / OFF & 3/ Managed the Z ( home position) end stop.
NanoDLP works fine controlling these 3 functions via serial communications

WHat you do have to do is configure the Raspi to output the correct resolution on its HDMI port and that is what is being discussed on the forum thread >>

Last edited by bigfilsing (2016-12-25 04:04:41)


#3 2016-12-25 07:35:41

Apple pens
Registered: 2016-12-23
Posts: 16

Re: I want to operate KLD-LCD 1260

I was surprised
I'm glad I met a very good software

Thank you very much


#4 2016-12-25 11:17:49

Apple pens
Registered: 2016-12-23
Posts: 16

Re: I want to operate KLD-LCD 1260

Help me

It is very difficult for me .... I am not good at English.

Is there a basic setting example?



Information I know

CreationWorkshop is specified as the standard software

-Configure Slicing Profile-

@ Start

;********** Header Start ********
;Here you can set any G or M-Code which should be executed BEFORE the build process
G21 ;Set units to be mm
G91 ;Relative Positioning
M17 ;Enable motors
<Slice> Blank
;********** Header End **********
M106 S255

@ Pre-Slice

;********** Pre-Slice Start ********
;Set up any GCode here to be executed before a lift
;********** Pre-Slice End **********

@ Lift

M106 S0
;********** Lift Sequence ********
G1{$SlideTiltVal != 0? X$SlideTiltVal:} Z($ZLiftDist * $ZDir) F$ZLiftRate
G1{$SlideTiltVal != 0? X($SlideTiltVal * -1):} Z(($LayerThickness-$ZLiftDist) * $ZDir) F$ZRetractRate
;<Delay> %d$BlankTime
M106 S255
;********** Lift Sequence **********

@ End

;********** Footer Start ********
;Here you can set any G or M-Code which should be executed after the last Layer is Printed
M18 ;Disable Motors
M106 SO
G1 Z40
;********** Footer End ******** … zF0T09wTTg


#5 2016-12-26 00:35:46

Apple pens
Registered: 2016-12-23
Posts: 16

Re: I want to operate KLD-LCD 1260

Help me

I changed Configuration, but it does not work properly

The system falls down frequently

steping motor speed   .........   The setting does not become valid

LCD panel................. not displayed

UV-LED on-off .............  not light

screenshot … lhrRGRyX3c

debug … UZVaFZsaTA


#6 2016-12-26 07:24:47

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 2,737

Re: I want to operate KLD-LCD 1260

Probably you need to play with RAMPS side settings depend on firmware type you are using.


#7 2016-12-28 03:43:06

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 162

Re: I want to operate KLD-LCD 1260

I think you need to do some research before trying things out
Unfortunately i haven't had time to try my KLD 1260 with NanoDLP yet.

So this is the control board the machine uses ( at least its the one my machine has)
And from that page we can see it uses 16 microsteps so you can fill in that section of the Nanodlp settings

It uses basic sprinter firmware

and we know from the machine it has a lead screw pitch of 2mm

To operate the UVLED
Shutter open Gcode is  M106
Shutter close Gcode is M107

Last edited by bigfilsing (2016-12-28 03:46:51)


#8 2016-12-28 04:13:59

Apple pens
Registered: 2016-12-23
Posts: 16

Re: I want to operate KLD-LCD 1260

Thank you for your polite answer


#9 2016-12-28 08:33:59

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 162

Re: I want to operate KLD-LCD 1260

Apple pens wrote:

Thank you for your polite answer

You are welcome. If you can be patient i will help you when i have had time to get this working on my machine


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