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Hi there,
I have recently setup a printer using nanoDLP with ramps1.4 and mega2560 using the latest vanilla version of Marlin.
Everything triggers correctly through the terminal, projector calibration, z-axis calbibration, etc. however! I have a strange occurance when trying to print...
My base layers run through fine with a cure time of 60s, but when it switches to normal layers at 8.5s it misses the curing and just lifts through each layer.
If I add [[wait for done message]] to the start of the "before each layer" and "after each layer" gcode boxes; it allows the UV to trigger, but then it shuts down right away and goes to the z movement.
I can make this process replicate on the base layers by dropping them down to the same timings as the normal layers - so it would seem my ramps/pi are out of time with each other? I have the z comp activated in configuration_adv.h so I'm really not sure what's up.
I've attached my codes below for you to see, if anyone thinks they can help please pipe up, if you need any more information - just ask!
Codes before each layer:
[[Wait for done message]]
G1 Z[[LayerPosition]] F[[ZSpeed]] P1 ; Move to layer position
[[Wait for done message]]
[[PositionSet [[LayerPosition]]]]
Codes after each layer:
[[Wait for done message]]
G1 Z{[[LayerPosition]]+[[ZLiftDistance]]} F{[[ZSpeed]]/5} P1 ; Lift to wait position
[[Wait for done message]]
[[PositionSet [[LayerPosition]]]]
Start of print code:
G28 F400 P1
G92 Z0
[[PositionSet 0]]
Here's a dump out of my application log while this is happening
Debug 4 2019-09-28 19:22:47.466737 Gcode Transferring Data M107
Debug 4 2019-09-28 19:22:47.466518 Shutter Shutter Close
Debug 4 2019-09-28 19:22:47.466305 Image Clear screen
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:46.325228 Terminal Received Data From Controller: echo:busy: processing
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:44.308773 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:44.308556 Terminal Received Data From Controller: echo:Unknown command: ''
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:44.306723 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:44.306454 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:44.306182 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:44.30585 Terminal Received Data From Controller: echo:Unknown command: ''
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:44.304027 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:44.303787 Terminal Received Data From Controller: Z_move_comp
Info 4 2019-09-28 19:22:44.303447 Controller Sync Done message from Controller has been received
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:42.380457 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:42.380323 Terminal Received Data From Controller: echo:Unknown command: ''
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:42.379985 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:42.379865 Terminal Received Data From Controller: echo:Unknown command: ''
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:42.379481 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:42.379273 Terminal Received Data From Controller: Z_move_comp
Info 4 2019-09-28 19:22:42.364988 Controller Sync Done message from Controller has been received
Debug 4 2019-09-28 19:22:41.410746 Printing Curing for 5.999300096 seconds
Warning 4 2019-09-28 19:22:41.27149 Image Display layer public/plates/3/4.png
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:41.254127 Terminal Received Data From Controller: echo:busy: processing
Debug 4 2019-09-28 19:22:40.171674 Gcode Transferring Data M106 S255
Debug 4 2019-09-28 19:22:40.171376 Shutter Shutter Open
Notice 4 2019-09-28 19:22:40.171024 Gcode Position set to 0.2
Debug 4 2019-09-28 19:22:40.170722 Gcode Transferring Data
Debug 4 2019-09-28 19:22:40.170565 Gcode Transferring Data
G1 Z0.2 F200 P1 ; Move to layer position
Notice 3 2019-09-28 19:22:39.238586 Terminal Received Data From Controller: echo:busy: processing
Notice 3 2019-09-28 19:22:39.068634 Gcode Position set to 0.15
Debug 3 2019-09-28 19:22:39.068162 Gcode Transferring Data
Debug 3 2019-09-28 19:22:39.067999 Gcode Transferring Data
G1 Z6.1500 F40.0000 P1 ; Lift to wait position
Debug 3 2019-09-28 19:22:38.96117 Gcode Transferring Data M107
Debug 3 2019-09-28 19:22:38.960683 Shutter Shutter Close
Debug 3 2019-09-28 19:22:38.960327 Image Clear screen
Notice 3 2019-09-28 19:22:37.223422 Terminal Received Data From Controller: echo:busy: processing
Notice 3 2019-09-28 19:22:35.208047 Terminal Received Data From Controller: echo:busy: processing
Notice 3 2019-09-28 19:22:33.190799 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok
Notice 3 2019-09-28 19:22:33.190684 Terminal Received Data From Controller: echo:Unknown command: ''
Notice 3 2019-09-28 19:22:33.188306 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok
Notice 3 2019-09-28 19:22:33.188194 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok
Notice 3 2019-09-28 19:22:33.188083 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok
Notice 3 2019-09-28 19:22:33.187962 Terminal Received Data From Controller: echo:Unknown command: ''
Notice 3 2019-09-28 19:22:33.18577 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok
Notice 3 2019-09-28 19:22:33.185641 Terminal Received Data From Controller: Z_move_comp
Info 3 2019-09-28 19:22:33.185417 Controller Sync Done message from Controller has been received
Debug 3 2019-09-28 19:22:32.909854 Printing Curing for 5.999300096 seconds
Warning 3 2019-09-28 19:22:32.771266 Image Display layer public/plates/3/3.png
Debug 3 2019-09-28 19:22:31.671281 Gcode Transferring Data M106 S255
Debug 3 2019-09-28 19:22:31.67086 Shutter Shutter Open
Notice 3 2019-09-28 19:22:31.670596 Gcode Position set to 0.15
Debug 3 2019-09-28 19:22:31.669831 Gcode Transferring Data
Just to let you know, I've solved this.
This version of Marlin doesn't require the [[wait for done message]] lines at all - I took them out and the "unkown" command went from the application log. My guess would be this was holding the mega2560 up and throwing it out of sync
Sounds a bit strange to me
The whole point of the previous modified software and the Z comp in later versions of Marlin is that NanoDLP waits for the feed back before continuing ! Other wise you'd need delays to allow for the respective actions to complete.
Are you sure its working correctly ???
Heres what i get during printing ( layer 87 in this case)
Notice 87 2019-09-29 08:32:01.398948 Gcode Position set to 4.35
Info 87 2019-09-29 08:32:01.398758 Controller Sync Ready for the next Controller movement
Notice 87 2019-09-29 08:32:01.398624 Terminal Received Data From Controller: Z_move_comp
Info 87 2019-09-29 08:32:01.398274 Controller Sync Done message from Controller has been received
Notice 87 2019-09-29 08:31:46.371496 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok 0
Info 87 2019-09-29 08:31:46.365131 Controller Sync Waiting for Z_move_comp response from Controller
Debug 87 2019-09-29 08:31:46.364988 Gcode Transferring Data G1 Z8.3500 F16.0000 P1 ; Lift to wait position
Notice 87 2019-09-29 08:31:46.054476 Terminal Received Data From Controller: Fanspeed:0
Notice 87 2019-09-29 08:31:46.053233 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok 0
Debug 87 2019-09-29 08:31:46.050821 Gcode Transferring Data M107
Debug 87 2019-09-29 08:31:46.050258 Shutter Shutter Close
Debug 87 2019-09-29 08:31:46.049863 Image Clear screen
Debug 87 2019-09-29 08:31:37.498591 Printing Curing for 8.499999744 seconds
Warning 87 2019-09-29 08:31:37.298276 Image Display layer public/plates/26/87.png
Notice 87 2019-09-29 08:31:36.303026 Terminal Received Data From Controller: Fanspeed:255
Notice 87 2019-09-29 08:31:36.301662 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok 0
Debug 87 2019-09-29 08:31:36.29843 Gcode Transferring Data M106 S255
Debug 87 2019-09-29 08:31:36.298108 Shutter Shutter Open
Notice 87 2019-09-29 08:31:36.297999 Terminal Received Data From Controller: Z_move_comp
Notice 87 2019-09-29 08:31:36.297808 Gcode Position set to 4.35
Info 87 2019-09-29 08:31:36.29754 Controller Sync Ready for the next Controller movement
Info 87 2019-09-29 08:31:36.297343 Controller Sync Done message from Controller has been received
Notice 87 2019-09-29 08:31:33.202994 Terminal Received Data From Controller: ok 0
Info 87 2019-09-29 08:31:33.19737 Controller Sync Waiting for Z_move_comp response from Controller
Debug 87 2019-09-29 08:31:33.197214 Gcode Transferring Data G1 Z4.35 F80 P1 ; Move to layer position
See, this is why I'm getting confused!
I've used the latest version of Marlin and have activated that. By removing the [[wait for done message]] from my profiles it now prints instead of skipping, unless I changed layer height of something.
So yeah, everything is out of sync still and I don't know why hahahahaha
Right, no idea what happened - I've reinstalled nanoDLP, and it's all working now - I can change lift heights, wait times, etc. on the fly without it messing up the sequence. [[wait for done message]] statements are back in