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I've seen the direct control circuit diagram and pics. Looks like someone put work into it. I was wondering if someone on the forum is having these produced? If not Id be willing to get a quote and put an order in, with the entirety of the profits going to the developers of course.
I just think nanoDLP would become simpler and more focused if there was less variety of driver boards (even if they all do the same).
I've just been glancing at the forums today so I could be way out of line here, but I want answers!
As I know, no one has produced them. Unfortunately direct control has its own issues in term of uneven timing which limit max speed which you could drive stepper driver.
I'm making it, but a question, where can i connect the endstop and set it up into nano dlp web interface?
You can find end switch setting on setup page. You can use any of general purpose gpio to wire endstop.
I'm interested in such a shield.
Where did you see these pics and diagrams? I can etch circuit boards, but I have never seen what you are talking about. I have my unit running right now on a PI3 with GPIO pins only. I use pins 29 and 30 for my end stop. Works like a charm.
Checkout download page. It includes diagram and other hardware details.
Yeah, I have seen that one...maybe I will give it a go this weekend.
This guy made printer with direct control.
This is website
These are videos
I connected similar to those wirings, and according drawings from this site. Motor, shutter, screen, endstop are working. But when i send STL file to print, first layer appears on the screen, then it waits answer from RAMS. RAMS Sync status. But this is direct connection, no RAMS is used. Maybe i am doing wrong setup ?
Here are my machine settings:
"ID": 1,
"Name": "NanoDLP Generic Printer",
"Email": "",
"Port": 80,
"ZAxisPin": 31,
"DirectionPin": 33,
"LimitPin": 18,
"WaitPin": 0,
"EnablePin": 37,
"EnablePinState": 1,
"FaultPin": 0,
"FaultPinState": 0,
"ShutterPin": 11,
"ShutterType": 2,
"ShutterMode": 1,
"ShutterOpen": 500,
"ShutterClose": 2500,
"ShutterOpenGcode": "",
"ShutterCloseGcode": "",
"ShutterSignalLength": 1000,
"MaxSpeed": 3000,
"MinSpeed": 1000,
"StartupSpeed": 100,
"StopPositionMm": -1,
"ResinDistanceMm": 5,
"ZAxisHeight": 3000,
"MotorDegree": 1.8,
"MicroStep": 8,
"LeadscrewPitch": 3,
"LCDType": 0,
"LCDAdress": 27,
"ShieldType": 0,
"ShieldEncoding": 0,
"ShieldI2CAddress": 0,
"ShieldUSBAddress": "/dev/ttyACM0",
"ShieldSpeed": 115200,
"ShieldBootup": "",
"ShieldStart": "",
"ShieldResume": "",
"ShieldFinish": "",
"ShieldAxisMode": 0,
"ShieldPositioning": 1,
"ManualMoveGcode": "",
"SyscallStart": " -p 1 -t \"NanoDLP\" \"Print of [[PlateName]] started. Total Layers: [[TotalNumberOfLayers]]. Thickness: {[[LayerThickness]]*[[TotalNumberOfLayers]]}\"",
"SyscallFinish": " -p 1 -t \"NanoDLP\" \"Printing stopped on Layer [[LayerNumber]] of [[TotalNumberOfLayers]]\"",
"CameraFrequency": 0,
"CameraStore": 0,
"CameraCommand": "-w 1296 -h 972 --timeout 700 --awb sun",
"ShutdownPin": 0,
"ProjectorWidth": 800,
"ProjectorHeight": 480,
"ProjectorType": 0,
"ProjectorPowerCycle": 0,
"ProjectorSpeed": 9600,
"ProjectorAddress": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
"ProjectorOn": "* 0 IR 001",
"ProjectorOff": "* 0 IR 002",
"ProjectorLampQuery": "",
"ProjectorLampEffect": 0,
"ProjectorOnSyscall": "",
"ProjectorOffSyscall": "",
"ProjectorWarmup": 0,
"XYRes": 47.07,
"YRes": 47.07,
"Username": "",
"Password": "",
"ViewUsername": "",
"ViewPassword": "",
"OnlineKey": "",
"Mute": 1,
"DisplayID": 0,
"DefaultProfile": 18,
"CustomValues": null,
"WifiType": "WPA",
"WifiPass": "",
"WifiSSID": ""
Last edited by nnnn2013 (2017-11-21 13:40:12)
I guess this is the same issue. Will try to reproduce the issue, and fix it today.
my issue is solved, you answered in another topic ( … 5254#p5254)
hi dear shahin
I use direct control but I have many problems.
my steper always turning and do not stop also I set its step angle,micro step, leadscrew pitch but when I command it in Zcalibration tab, it isn't turning exacly.
thank you
my debug file:
Hi shahin. I connect 3d printer to GPIO raspberry pi3. I use MVD62 driver(it is professional steper driver ) all is okay endstops good works and step motor works so .but i have a problem with distance travelled on each trun of leadscrew section(I used ballscrew with 5mm distance each trun )and in section leadscrew pitch I set it to 5.000000 but in Z axis control when i press 1mm go up or down it move mor than 1 mm example it move 7.5 mm up but in nanodlp is 1mm.
Please help me.
Last edited by Elyas420 (2018-05-30 09:12:19)