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#1 2016-11-08 18:50:41


Plate->Add "bug"?

Here's the scenario: I have a model that for some reason slices with a first layer that is odd. It is like a crescent and about 20% of the area it should be. I've scrutinized the model and can't find any issues with it but yet when I slice in nanoDLP or Stomp, I get this oddness. So rather than fight it I thought "hey, I'll just create a copy of the 2nd layer and rename that layer 1". So I Downloaded the Opened it up, duplicated layer 2 and renamed it to layer 1.png. Then I edited the json file to also copy the layer 2 area information into layer 1. I then rezip. I then attempt to Add this to create a new plate. It uploads and then the Plates screen does not show it. I tested that I can upload the original downloaded and it does. I also renamed this modified file to so it is the same but still not working.

I also zipped just the set of png images named 1.png to 221.png. This also does not work. I'm zipping using the Mac's native zip tool. What am I missing? Is this a bug?

#2 2016-11-08 19:15:29


Re: Plate->Add "bug"?

And the model that is giving the odd crescent shaped first layer slices perfectly in FDM slicers with the same .1mm layer height.

#3 2016-11-08 20:50:42

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 2,737

Re: Plate->Add "bug"?

It is matter of where to start slicing. You can choose any height but the first cut will be close too the bottom of the shape. Your FDM slicer probably start from a little bit higher.

What you have done with zip file should work correctly. Could you share the zip file?


#4 2016-11-08 20:57:19


Re: Plate->Add "bug"?

Here's a link to the Zip on my google drive: … Wl3T1ExZ2M

#5 2016-11-08 21:03:27

Registered: 2016-02-17
Posts: 2,737

Re: Plate->Add "bug"?

Layer files must be in the root of the zip file.
But you have additional plate folder inside your zip file.

Go inside the folder and try zip containing not folder itself.


#6 2016-11-08 21:26:55


Re: Plate->Add "bug"?

I've tried that too. Here's one that doesn't have a "Plate" folder root: … W40QXVCU2s

It also does not work and note, I did rename it to just to make sure the file name wasn't important. I had to add the "2" so it could co-reside with the original one I posted.

#7 2016-11-08 21:28:12


Re: Plate->Add "bug"?

Ok, Mac OSX must be creating a root folder in its archive function. This one has it too and I certainly did not compress a folder. I'll try a different zip program.

#8 2016-11-08 21:37:56


Re: Plate->Add "bug"?

Ok, that did the trick but it is incredibly not-easy to create a zip archive without a root folder on OSX. It automatically includes one in all of the zip utilities I have (Springy, Stuffit, ZipIt and the native OS X archiver). I used gzip on the command line in Terminal as (after cd'ing into the folder with all of the images):

zip -r .

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