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I need some help trying to interpret the results of my resin calibration plate-
Here are my current settings- I did not have a deep enough plate depth before. I bumped it to 10mm and its much more illustrative.
Q: Can anyone confirm the definition of plate depth? Is it total height including the initial burn-in?
What are we supposed to get from this page view? How is it intended that we use it?
Here is the printed plate. The resin recommended settings is 5 initial layers at 50um and 60 seconds, then 8 second exposures.
Should I measure the objects to confirm their printed sizes at this stage? Is the 'cube' reliable at this stage? I can nto distinguish beween under-exposed and normal or normal to over-exposed yet.
I am tying to interpret the closing of the object padding- the longer exposures are 'bulged' in the middle? Is this what over-exposure does?
Do we back off on the timings? The 7.5 and 7.75 look better to me than the 8 does.