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#1 2017-07-28 00:51:11

Registered: 2017-07-19
Posts: 4

Setting up Z-Axis, and Connecting Shutter - Looking for Tutorials

My RPi is talking to RAMPS 1.4 running Marlin, and NanoDLP is working.  The motor moves the z-axis correctly.  But I'm having trouble getting my Z-stop setup and recognized, and getting the servo that runs the shutter to work.

The z-stop is set for the bottom limit of the z-axis, and the top of the resin will be 70-75mm higher.  I'm trying to figure out how to set it up so that I can allow it to find the lower Z limit, and then move up 70-75mm to where the surface of the resin will be.

And for the servo, I'm trying to find some sort of tutorial that runs through the basics of what Gcode goes where, and where the servo plugs in.

I've checked the messages here, but can't find the right info.  Even if you just have a link to a video or tutorial, that would be really helpful.  This build is so close to working.




#2 2017-07-28 02:57:38

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 162

Re: Setting up Z-Axis, and Connecting Shutter - Looking for Tutorials

If I have understood you correctly!
I think you should wire and configure the end stop as Z max ( which is logical as its the max travel ( build height) of your machine
You can home to this as well ( in Marlin )
Your build height zero then becomes Zmax position - build height

I don't have any hands on experience with a top down printer but it sounds to me like having the Z min end-stop ( at the top of the resin ) would make more sense and aid in first layer position adjustment etc.

The servo attachment pins on a ramps 1.4 board are >> … elmax-1-5/

the g code to deploy the servo is

PS if you haven't already then make sure you have a modified version of Marlin ( that sends feedback to nano Dlp once an action is complete)


#3 2017-08-03 16:16:42

Registered: 2017-07-19
Posts: 4

Re: Setting up Z-Axis, and Connecting Shutter - Looking for Tutorials

Yeah, having the z-stop right at the surface of the liquid would probably be simpler programming-wise, but functionally, I want to be able to raise the build tray out of the liquid to remove the print.  And of course, the tray has to be able to move down into the liquid during printing. So I need to have the build surface between the z-max and the z-min, which doesn't have to be defined.  And I'm planning to adjust the resin level manually.

I'm just trying to figure out what to plug into the NanoDLP setup.  A tutorial would be helpful.



#4 2017-08-08 04:17:43

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 162

Re: Setting up Z-Axis, and Connecting Shutter - Looking for Tutorials

Thinking a bit more about this you could maybe use an optical endstop as they generally have a slot which would allow significant Z minus travel after printing( if allowed/set up  in the firmware)


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