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I am using the Windows version of NanoDLP for slicing, as it's obviously much faster to do the slicing on a PC than on the Rpi3.
And I can zip the plates in the public folder and upload it to the Rpi NanoDLP fine, however it's bit cumbersome to do each time.
So it would be nice if you could add a download as zip button on the Plates page.
Use nanoslicer available on download page. It prepares downloadable zip files.
Yes, I saw that, but I cannot seem to be able to have the same workflow: I cannot import profiles (resin or machine), cannot add multiple plates, cannot select the slicing profile, cannot preview layers, etc. Basically I'm using the Windows version of NanoDLP for slicing and it works really good, but the only piece is the ZIP export that would be really handy.
Or am I missing something here?
Ok, will add it.
Thanks! I appreciate it!