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I'm building my own DLP(LCD) printer. I made all the mecanic, the electronic and I wanted to plug a touch screen on the printer. So I started some days ago a Nodejs server to install on the raspberry pi connected on a nextion screen through the serial port.
The nextion screen is a resistive touch screen with a custom firmware allowing to build an UI with a WYSIWYG software. And it's very cheap : a 2.4" screen cost only 11$.
Here is a demonstration of what the screen can do :
You can debug the Z axis and the projector, see some stats, scroll trough planes, get plate's infos, print a plate, get infos when it's printing, pause it, stop it, resume it, change the layer cure time,...
And... it's open source :
You can easily install it on a raspberry pi (1, 2, 3, zero, zero W,...)
It works on my printer with a pi 2 and on a pi zero.
Last edited by juliendelnatte (2017-07-11 06:56:30)
That's what i was looking for.
I already have the sreen and input the .tft file, OK
i done all te setup on the PI3, ok
but the screen only show "Connecting to ptinter..."
I have a KLD 1260 with board to control the hardware and UV,
I see there is a command line to enter for easy setup for the PI3. will it over write my Nanodlp config? 86 Mo.
What do you think happen?
Without the commande line, the serial will not work on PI3. If you really don't want to enter it, you'll need to use an ftdi adapter and use another serial port. But there is not problem with command line to enter. it add juste the serial option. Wich line make you afraid?
it was my rapberry who needed update.
then i enter you command line for simple install and everything work very good.
Nice work, my KLD no need computer anymore.
Last edited by laopa (2017-07-21 14:40:59)
It is so excited to finally see a computer-less solution for Nanodlp, so I just got my new nextion screen and tried as everything you list on Github, but I couldn't get anything displayed except "Connecting to printer..." message. It was so frustrating after trying for all afternoon.
I checked the output log in nextion by using WinSCP, and there is a looping of "error opening port /dev/ttyAMA0 retry in 2 sec". Then I just found this article( which including the method to enable /dev/ttyAMA0 of almost all version of Raspberry Pi, anyone who has the same problem as me could follow the instruction of your version on Raspi in it.
I'm using the latest verion of Raspberry Pi 3B, so for me, it can be done in just 5 steps:
1:run this in the terminal:sudo systemctl disable hciuart
2:sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service and change every "ttyAMA0" to "ttyS0", there will be 2 of them in total, then save and exit.
3:sudo nano /boot/config.txt and add "dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt" to the end, save and exit.
if you don't have "pi3-miniuart-bt" in your /boot/overlays, just download it here:, and put "pi3-miniuart-bt-overlay.dtb" into /boot/overlays
4:sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt delete "console=serial0,115200" or "console=ttyAMA0,115200"
5:run sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo reboot
Then finally I got it right! and thanks juliendelnatte for sharing your great work!!
Last edited by leaphr (2017-08-04 11:35:51)
It is so excited to finally see a computer-less solution for Nanodlp, so I just got my new nextion screen and tried as everything you list on Github, but I couldn't get anything displayed except "Connecting to printer..." message. It was so frustrating after trying for all afternoon.
I checked the output log in nextion by using WinSCP, and there is a looping of "error opening port /dev/ttyAMA0 retry in 2 sec". Then I just found this article( which including the method to enable /dev/ttyAMA0 of almost all version of Raspberry Pi, anyone who has the same problem as me could follow the instruction of your version on Raspi in it.
I'm using the latest verion of Raspberry Pi 3B, so for me, it can be done in just 5 steps:
1:run this in the terminal:sudo systemctl disable hciuart
2:sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service and change every "ttyAMA0" to "ttyS0", there will be 2 of them in total, then save and exit.
3:sudo nano /boot/config.txt and add "dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt" to the end, save and exit.
if you don't have "pi3-miniuart-bt" in your /boot/overlays, just download it here:, and put "pi3-miniuart-bt-overlay.dtb" into /boot/overlays
4:sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt delete "console=serial0,115200" or "console=ttyAMA0,115200"
5:run sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo reboot
Then finally I got it right! and thanks juliendelnatte for sharing your great work!!
I have tried this but when I do step #2, I have nothing of the sorts like what you are saying
Description=Configure Bluetooth Modems connected by UART
Me too, Still can not pass the "Connecting to printer..." message, after try leaphr's post. Anyone can help?
I recorded what I have done, since that might help for others, with detail log.. Please help to figure out what mistake I have made, thank you..
1. Hardware connection
Connect the raspberry pi to the nextion screen through the Serial GPIO's :
2. Upload the nextion firmware
Put the screen.tft file on a micro sd card, and plug it in the nextion screen.
Power the raspberry pi and the Nextion screen'll automatically update its firmware with the good one。
Make sure your micro sd card is FAT32, do not use the raspberry pi sd card, which is FAT.
[update fw succeed, I even change the "Connecting to printering" to other characters to make sure]
3 Enable the /dev/ttyAMA0 for Raspberry PI 3 mode B
I followed it, … Workaround
3.1 config.txt
sudo vi /boot/config.txt
add the following lines:
Here is the config.txt
hdmi_timings=1440 0 50 10 35 2560 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 50 0 198000000 0
3.2 cmdline.txt
edit /boot/cmdline.txt
sudo vi /boot/cmdline.txt
change as:
#A. Testing for uart console
#dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 console=serial1,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait
#B. for touch nanoDLP, remove the uart console
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait
3.3 disable the bt
disable the built in bluetooth you need to stop hciattach trying to use the modem via uart0 which will disable the relevant systemd service
sudo systemctl disable hciuart
edit /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.server and replace ttyAMA0 with ttyS0.
sudo vi /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service
Change as following:
Description=Configure Bluetooth Modems connected by UART
ExecStart=/ur/bin/hciattach /dev/ttyS0 bcm43xx 921600 noflow -
3.4 disable uart console
sudo raspi-config
Interfacing Option->Serial
choose Enable serial console as NO
choose Enable serial hardware as YES
do not reboot the pi3, one more step:
3.5 upgrade os
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo reboot
4 Install the node js
wget -O - … | bash
3.5 Install the touch screen source code by Tibus
cd /home/pi
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
git clone
mv TouchScreen-For-NanoDLP-master nextion
#Let index.js run automatic.
sudo sed -i.bak "1i#\!/bin/sh \-e\nnode /home/pi/nextion/bin/index.js 2> /home/pi/nextion/errorOutput.log > /home/pi/nextion/output.log &" /etc/rc.local
That is all, still nothing except the "Connecting to Printer..."
Here is the errorlog,
missing API key for pushbullet
throw err
Error: Could not locate the bindings file. Tried:
→ /home/pi/nextion/node_modules/serialport/build/serialport.node
→ /home/pi/nextion/node_modules/serialport/build/Debug/serialport.node
→ /home/pi/nextion/node_modules/serialport/build/Release/serialport.node
→ /home/pi/nextion/node_modules/serialport/out/Debug/serialport.node
→ /home/pi/nextion/node_modules/serialport/Debug/serialport.node
→ /home/pi/nextion/node_modules/serialport/out/Release/serialport.node
→ /home/pi/nextion/node_modules/serialport/Release/serialport.node
→ /home/pi/nextion/node_modules/serialport/build/default/serialport.node
→ /home/pi/nextion/node_modules/serialport/compiled/6.4.0/linux/arm/serialport.node
at bindings (/home/pi/nextion/node_modules/bindings/bindings.js:88:9)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/pi/nextion/node_modules/serialport/lib/bindings.js:3:35)
at Module._compile (module.js:556:32)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:565:10)
at Module.load (module.js:473:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:432:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:424:3)
at Module.require (module.js:483:17)
at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/pi/nextion/node_modules/serialport/lib/serialport.js:12:25)
That is all,what is the mistake?
In config.txt, should use "dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt-overlay" not "dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt", unless you change the dtb file name..
If add "console=serial1,11520" in cmdline and enable the serial console in "raspi-config", connect a uart to minicom/putty, I can see the linux boot log
display on the serial, so the ttyAMA0 should be enabled..
I also install the nodejs, by
wget -O - … | bash
Install guide for guys who using pi3 modeb, but stop at "Connecting printer..."
Thx for Tibus's help...
1. Hardware connection
Connect the raspberry pi to the nextion screen through the Serial GPIO's :
Look at the hardaware.jpg on github...
2. Upload the nextion firmware
Put the screen.tft file on a micro sd card, and plug it in the nextion screen.
Power the raspberry pi and the Nextion screen will automatically update its firmware with new ui.
Make sure your micro sd card is FAT32, do not use the raspberry pi sd card, which is FAT.
Where to get the tft files?
use the Nextion Editor.exe to compile the HMI..
3 Enable the /dev/ttyAMA0 for Raspberry PI 3 mode B
Look at this post, you will know why and how. … Workaround
3.1 config.txt
#sudo vi /boot/config.txt
add the following lines to config.txt
Add overlay file to boot/overlay
You can download the tdb file from: …
#cp pi3-miniuart-bt-overlay.dtb /boot/overlay
Here is the config.txt
# Camera Setting ( 1 = ON, 0 = OFF)
# Display Setting
hdmi_timings=1440 0 50 10 35 2560 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 50 0 198000000 0
3.2 Disable serial console
delete "console=serial0,115200" or "console=ttyAMA0,115200" in the cmdline.txt.
#sudo vi /boot/cmdline.txt
change as:
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait
Use the raspi-config to disable the serial console by enable the serial hardware...
#sudo raspi-config
Interfacing Option->Serial
choose Enable serial console as NO
choose Enable serial hardware as YES
do not reboot the pi3.
If you can not find interfacing option, go to advanced option, since different version of pi os.
3.3 disable the bt
disable the built in bluetooth you need to stop hciattach trying to use the modem via uart0 which will disable
the relevant systemd service
#sudo systemctl disable hciuart
edit /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.server and replace ttyAMA0 with ttyS0.
#sudo vi /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service
Change as following:
Description=Configure Bluetooth Modems connected by UART
ExecStart=/ur/bin/hciattach /dev/ttyS0 bcm43xx 921600 noflow -
3.4 upgrade os
#sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get upgrade
#sudo reboot
4 Install the sw of "Touch for nanoDLP
4.1 Install nodejs
#wget -O - … | bash
4.2 Install the release version by Tibus
#mkdir /home/pi/nextion;(wget … 2_3.tar.gz --no-check-certificate -O - | tar -C /home/pi/nextion -xz);cd /home/pi/nextion; sudo ./
Download the release package and set it automatic run up when boot os.
#!/bin/sh -e
node /home/pi/nextion/bin/index.js 2> /home/pi/nextion/errorOutput.log > /home/pi/nextion/output.log &
#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
/bin/bash /home/pi/printer/config/
exit 0
Hi how did you send the pi3-miniuart-bt-overlay.dtb file to Raspberry but I get " Permission denied"
Hi how did you send the pi3-miniuart-bt-overlay.dtb file to Raspberry but I get " Permission denied"
I downloaded it and just put the SD card into comp and inserted file into overlays folder.
Doug wrote:Hi how did you send the pi3-miniuart-bt-overlay.dtb file to Raspberry but I get " Permission denied"
ThanksI downloaded it and just put the SD card into comp and inserted file into overlays folder.
I'm in a win10 OS.
I'm in a win10 OS.
As am I Put sd card into comp, open drive folder and on top of folder contents there will be a folder named overlays. Drop that unzipped file in there. Eject drive and put back into pi.
It is so excited to finally see a computer-less solution for Nanodlp, so I just got my new nextion screen and tried as everything you list on Github, but I couldn't get anything displayed except "Connecting to printer..." message. It was so frustrating after trying for all afternoon.
I checked the output log in nextion by using WinSCP, and there is a looping of "error opening port /dev/ttyAMA0 retry in 2 sec". Then I just found this article( which including the method to enable /dev/ttyAMA0 of almost all version of Raspberry Pi, anyone who has the same problem as me could follow the instruction of your version on Raspi in it.
I'm using the latest verion of Raspberry Pi 3B, so for me, it can be done in just 5 steps:
1:run this in the terminal:sudo systemctl disable hciuart
2:sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service and change every "ttyAMA0" to "ttyS0", there will be 2 of them in total, then save and exit.
3:sudo nano /boot/config.txt and add "dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt" to the end, save and exit.
if you don't have "pi3-miniuart-bt" in your /boot/overlays, just download it here:, and put "pi3-miniuart-bt-overlay.dtb" into /boot/overlays
4:sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt delete "console=serial0,115200" or "console=ttyAMA0,115200"
5:run sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo reboot
Then finally I got it right! and thanks juliendelnatte for sharing your great work!!
Ok, I'm trying to get my 2.4" Nextion screen working with my LittleRP / DLP printer on a Pi 3. I followed the above and now have successfully gotten the nextion display to function. It shows the GUI and I can successfully us it to start a print. However, my DLP will no longer display the layer images during printing. The display just stays completely black. Any idea what might have caused this in the above instructions?
Hi all,
In the attempt of update the nextion 2.4" NX32247024_011, i get the message "Model does not match Device Model: NX3224T024_011R". Can someone help me? Where i get wrong?
Thank you Julien!
Would it be possible to add "get file from USB"? It would make the printer untethered?
Yes, I'm making my own printer and plan to add this feature to my printer so it will be added is next versions.
Yes, I'm making my own printer and plan to add this feature to my printer so it will be added is next versions.
Hi, juliendelnatte
Is the next version will be here soon?
hen did we can expect it?
And I have another question, Why you decided to use nextion instead of the official rpi touch screen?
Is that because it wouldn't work, Or it's price?
And thanks in advance
Last edited by Belal (2017-09-27 09:11:33)
Hi, I want to translate this too, which files has the text that I can edit?
Hi, I want to translate this too, which files has the text that I can edit?
Unfortunately the present way to translate this graphical interface is through the nextion software, and it needs to be page per page, so a separate file.hmi is created for each Language.
Doug wrote:Hi, I want to translate this too, which files has the text that I can edit?
Unfortunately the present way to translate this graphical interface is through the nextion software, and it needs to be page per page, so a separate file.hmi is created for each Language.
I translate in the nextion editor but some text seem to be in other places.
MaxJewels wrote:Doug wrote:Hi, I want to translate this too, which files has the text that I can edit?
Unfortunately the present way to translate this graphical interface is through the nextion software, and it needs to be page per page, so a separate file.hmi is created for each Language.
I translate in the nextion editor but some text seem to be in other places.
Some writings come directly from nanodlp
If you want to make an example maybe I'll be more precise
Last edited by MaxJewels (2017-10-09 18:03:00)
I´ve got my NanoDLP working on the RPi3 with the 2.4 Nextion screen - using the instructins from Tibus on Git - great!
But when I try the 4.3 Inch Nextion screen - properly flashed with the right tft file - I just get the "Connecting to Printer...".
Is there anything to change on RPI installation / software or config in order to use a screen with same brand but different size?
Nothing to do.
If you reconnect the 2.4 screen is it working?
Maybe an electrical connection problem with 4.3screen?
Very strange...
Both Nextion screens are connected with the same cable. And the update of the 4.3 was working properly.
If have no idea what to do next? Maybe I try another Nextion Screen e.g. 3.5"...