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I'm trying to build a printer using NanoDLP, and I used the Adafruit Pi Hat for the Z-axis stepper. ( … per-motors)
It moves the stepper using their python libraries, but I don't know what settings to use in NanoDLP to get it running.
I set it as I2C control, but I don't know what else I need to set/change to make it work.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I have not first hard experience with these drivers, you probably need to send some binary data according to their datasheet. Go through their library source code.
Was anyone able to do this? I'm trying to use the same Pi hat.
Is it possible to have the z-axis move commands to just call a python script? I.e. to move stepper call script and pass variables for number of steps, step speed,i2C address?
Yes, you can