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Has anyone figured out how in print pictures work with the camera module ?
Current settings are 'manual' or every 1/2/3 layers. Is this related to the "jump" layers ?
Where is the camera supposed to be located (under / above vat) ?
As I print bottom up, and unable to put the camera underneath the vat, I'd like to put the camera next to the vat, pointing upwards to the build plate, and have the build plate go up to a high (fix) position every 5 layers to take a picture. Any idea how I can get this configured ?
Thanks allot for any advice!
Replicator 2 - Craftbot - Peachy (beta) - Morpheus
No it does not related to jump layers. It take a picture every layer or once per two layers or once per three layers.
People putting camera in different places.
Currently we do not have 5 layers option. But it is easy to add. raspistill has -t option which could be used to place delay before taking photo. You can use this function combined with jump layer to do what you like to do.
Just one possible issue. If you are printing delicate pieces going out of resin would decrease quality of print as resin push piece around could make it bend a little bit.
I've plugged in a camera, it works fine
is it possible to have the last picture taken shown in the dashboard while printing?
It should already display them on dashboard.
Im also curious seeing pics of systems with onboard cameras: placement ideas, wiring ideas, kind of pictures taken, resolution, sample pics, etc!
PLease post them!!
now it is working, just plugged back the camera, it was weird because it was in fact taking pics and saving them in the respective folder, but not showing them in the browser
I installed a cam module on the pi, enabled using raspi-config and updated to latest nanodlp version. Rebooted the whole thing. I can't see anything. How do I get nanoDLP to show current image of the webcam, if possible?
Or is it only available whenever print is launched?
It does not take pictures in idle mode, but the old photos should be shown. Also you can use "take photo" button. Let me know if the issue still persist.
Yes, somebody add these spams manually.
I just bought a Rpi3 and a Pi NoIR Camera V2.
It does not seem to work ... (just running in idle, no ramps connected or anything).
In Setup > Hardware Setup > Camera Module (Default command : -w 1296 -h 972 --timeout 700 --awb sun)
--In Dashboard View--
Action Taking Photo [] exit status 70
Could anyone help me out?
Last edited by Kvirre (2016-08-07 16:38:14)
Does it work on by cli command?
Well I don't know what to write ... "-w 1296 -h 972 --timeout 700 --awb sun" seems to be a suffix to ... (a python command?)
I'm guessing here since I have not been able to try the camera in any other way.
I am using the Rpi image provided for download here and there is no Raspbian GUI left.
(not really a problem if I can make it work some how)
What do you need to do to get the camera working (I have enabled it in raspi-config, but nothing more).
So is there a native CLI command I can run to see if it works?
I can't see the full link but I just now found something and tried the following
raspistill -o cam.jpg
mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component '' (1:ENOMEM)
mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component '' (1)
mmal: Failed to create camera component
mmal: main: Failed to create camera component
mmal: Camera is not detected. Please check carefully the camera module is installed correctly
Maybe it does not have enough power?
Or possibly mounted incorrectly ... I will investigate, sorry for all my questions.
Last edited by Kvirre (2016-08-07 20:50:50)
Checkout guides on camera module. You need to enable it first. If cabling and installation is OK. It is probably dead.
Solved it,
Installed Raspbian first, and then NanoDLP via CLI. > Worked
Used the NanoDLP image (on RPI3) > camera did not work (maybe the image had different pointers to RPI2 hardware for camera?)
Or it might just be that the SD-card got corrupted through restarts.
Anyway, it works now. Thanks for helping me troubleshoot.
Last edited by Kvirre (2016-08-08 16:59:54)
I have the rpi3 camera module working but it only works if set to once per layer without the keep all images set. If I set the keep all images I get an error when it tries to take the snapshot. Almost like the filename isn't being sent right. Also, where do the images get stored? I would like to automatically generate a video at the end of the job using all the images (assuming I can get that feature working.
Do you receive any error on the dashboard?
I thought I was getting an error 64 or something but will have to wait until I get home to start a print. Changed it to keep images and clicking the take photo button does log "Taking Photo []" with no filename in brackets so maybe that was confusing but I will try with a print later.
Question, it looks like all photos go to the printer/shots folder. What is the format of the filename (1486068934341581196.jpg)? Is there a way to prepend the job name or put in sub folders so making movies from snapshots would be easier? I didn't see any option on the image command setting to specify the job name / id like [[JobTitle]]_[[LayerNumber].jpg which could be handy and more flexible.
Sorry I have missed your suggestion. It will be very nice to have [[JobTitle]]_[[LayerNumber].jpg my only concern is if somebody want more than one photo per layer.
Maybe flexible box to formulate naming or use unix timestamp .
Really, anything to make processing the files per job easier. A sub folder within the plate? Filenames that maybe the job title as mentioned below, but then just increment a number per snapshot so that when the print is over you can make a timelapse movie from the files and know they will be in order if you do it by filename i.e.: CubeTest_1.jpg, CubeTest_2.jpg, etc. Not necessarily the layer number but just an incremental number instead of some random filename (or whatever the current format is).
Sorry I have missed your suggestion. It will be very nice to have [[JobTitle]]_[[LayerNumber].jpg my only concern is if somebody want more than one photo per layer.
Maybe flexible box to formulate naming or use unix timestamp .
I have changed how the beta version works. I have not used plate/job title as it could contains illegal chars on the target platform.
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