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OKI try to make naonDLP Machine.
From this Web page to do this machine. ( )
1. I download raspbian system image( 2016-05-27-raspbian-jesssie.img ) , and write data to Raspberry 2.
2. Power on Raspberry 2 and login raspbian linux.
3. Open raspbian linux Windows , and link wifi to internet.
4. Open raspbian Terminal, and key in "(wget -O - | tar -C /home/pi -xz);cd /home/pi/printer;sudo ./"
5. Instal have some message to select.
6. "After this operation, 559 kB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue?[Y/n]" ---> I select "Y"
7. "Do you want to optimize Raspberry Pi settings for nanoDLP automatically?[Y/n]" ----> I select "Y"
8. "Do you see black border around display output? (DISABLE OVERSCAN)" ---> I select "n"
9. "Do you want to enable i2c to enable commuication with LCD and other hardware with i2c connectivity?[Y/n]" --->I select "n"
10. "Do you want to add nanoDLP to startup by replacing rc.local? [Y/n]" ---> I select "Y"
11. "You can access your RPi through your favorite browser by IP address below To expand file system and enable camera module you need to use raspi-conifg. Do you want to use it now?[Y/n]" -----> I select "n"
12. System is auto reboot.
13. this time, I have a trouble. This system have many service to start. Finally, this system have black window, and nothing to do. Last Service is "[OK] Started LSB: Start NTP daemon."
How can i do?????????
You have successfully installed nanodlp. You need to connect to rpi through a browser, after installation nanodlp will take control of hdmi output.
You can checkout muve3d user guide. I think it is very easy to follow.