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I am currently running buildcode 1199, and periodically nanoDLP/RPi3 gets stuck on "Suppressing duplicate logs" preventing the printing process from starting. When this happens none of the other web commands work. For example, pressing "Stop Print" brings up the dialog box "Are you sure..." but selecting OK doesn't actually stop the stuck print process. Trying to reboot the RPi3 using the Tools menu tells me that I can't do this while "printering". Any ideas?
"Suppressing duplicate logs" is a informative message, it could not block anything. The most probably it get stuck waiting for response from RAMPS after movement. You can break it by pressing force stop from setup page / tools tab.
Ok, thanks Shahin, I will try that.
Running 1221 now. None of the nanoDLP commands work after starting a print that gets stuck. Stop Print, Force Stop, Power Off RPi, Terminate nanoDLP, etc. all fail to work.
I have to puTTY into the RPi and reboot it to regain control.
It is getting really frustrating, most of my prints are getting stuck now. The log is stuck on "Suppressing duplicate logs" and the printer never starts printing. I have 2 plates that work perfectly (perhaps they were created on a previous version of nanoDLP?) but all of the new plates that I create get stuck. Help!
Please, share your debug file. I could not reproduce the issue locally.
Thanks Shahin, will do next week when I am back in the office.
I seemed to have solved the problem. There must have been some faulty settings in the Printer Profiles that I was using. I copied a known good Printer Profile and resliced the STL files, and now the printer is printing fine.
Sorry, I should have saved the faulty Printer Profile to send to you, but it does bring up a larger issue that nanoDLP should always allow the Stop button to work, even if communication with the (in my case) Arduino fails.
In order to not losing position and current step only force stop could interrupt movement.
Thanks for the reply, understood. I will try Force Stop again if I have the same problem, although it didn't work previously (as I mentioned above the only thing that worked was to puTTY into the RPi3 and restart it).
I have the same issue: in the first layer my printer stucks and does not do anything more. I am very new to my Muve 3D Printer and I have no idea what could be the issue.
From the post above I have seen that the profile might be wrong - please find it copied below. Any help appreciated.
Used NanoDLP version is Build 1322.
As reported by roberk925 the only thing I can to is to restart my RPi 3
"ProfileID": 4,
"Title": "M3D 001",
"Desc": "",
"ZStepWait": 300,
"SlowSectionHeight": 3,
"SlowSectionStepWait": 200,
"TopWait": 0,
"WaitHeight": 0,
"CureTime": 12.2,
"DynamicCureTime": "",
"DynamicSpeed": "",
"DynamicLift": "",
"Depth": 100,
"WaitBeforePrint": 1,
"WaitAfterPrint": 0,
"JumpHeight": 0,
"JumpPerLayer": 0,
"SupportTopWait": 0,
"SupportWaitHeight": 0,
"SupportLayerNumber": 2,
"SupportCureTime": 50,
"SupportDepth": 100,
"SupportWaitBeforePrint": 1,
"SupportWaitAfterPrint": 0,
"LowQualityCureTime": 0,
"LowQualitySkipPerLayer": 0,
"XYRes": 86,
"XYResPerc": 0,
"ZResPerc": 0,
"Color": "#ff0000",
"SyscallBeforeLayer": "",
"ShieldBeforeLayer": "M650 D{([[LayerNumber]]\u003c30)*2+3} S{4-(([[LayerNumber]]\u003c30)*3)}\r\nM651\r\nG4 P1000\r\nG1 Z[[LayerPosition]]\r\n[[WaitForDoneMessage]]\r\nM114\r\n[[PositionSet [[LayerPosition]]]]",
"SyscallAfterLayer": "",
"ShieldAfterLayer": "[[PositionChange [[ZLiftDistance]]]]",
"PixelDiming": 1,
"DimAmount": 35,
"DimWall": 2,
"DimSkip": 10,
"IgnoreMask": 0,
"ShieldStart": "",
"ShieldResume": "",
"ShieldFinish": ""
Use patched marlin firmware.
thanks, uploaded latest Muve3D Firmware, works now!